Aaron for the love of god please read it
Aaron for the love of god please read it
Thats wrong, but more for me
Violence is never warranted but theres no confusion about consent. You cant get consent if you arent giving the terms to consent to. Consent means an understanding. This isnt iTunes terms and conditions.
Non-consensual sex is pretty egregious… I hope you understand that.
I dont understand how you guys think its okay to trick someone like that. How can you not respect a partner like that? How would it be irrational to be very upset by that?
Thats so gross
Either buy more expensive shirts or stop buying creatine if you want to stop ripping them
You really pissed him off lol
Yeah all the info is there and something switches it over to the generic response.
So fucked.
Any guesses if this is automated stupidity or a strategic stance by Meta?
Pickhure iof text is funy