A guy who vows to destroy all gays isn’t “speculative”
animal liberation (b12 deficient), ML (hungry), pronouns comrade/him/them
A guy who vows to destroy all gays isn’t “speculative”
All media are biased. Some are open about their bias (communist media) and some are not (Wikipedia says it’s “neutral” but there’s a catch). Western media are all very polular and one-sided so I recommend reading english.news.cn.
I imagine this:
Prompt: write a business idea
Answer: Lenin vodka class struggle
I added glue to my pizza it was very tasty for my privacy
Capitalism is the cause of climate change. Corporations are interested only in max profits. This won’t change under capitalist countries, ever. Study socialism and join a local org or party that you ideologically support.
China is controlled by the communist party and its policies aren’t driven by short-term profits. There are corporations but they can’t go against the interests of the Chinese society, unlike the USA. Look at how China generates more clean energy than the UK total electricity output.
Don’t forget to go vegan
I’m just looking for the strongest security methodology. Yeah, I didn’t think about this
Historical materialism perfectly answers your question. Quote from On Dialectical and Historical Materialism by J.V. Stalin:
"It is easy to understand how immensely important is the extension of the principles of the dialectical method to the study of social life and the history of society, and how immensely important is the application of these principles to the history of society and to the practical activities of the party of the proletariat.
If there are no isolated phenomena in the world, if all phenomena are interconnected and interdependent, then it is clear that every social system and every social movement in history must be evaluated not from the standpoint of “eternal justice” or some other preconceived idea, as is not infrequently done by historians, but from the standpoint of the conditions which gave rise to that system or that social movement and with which they are connected.
The slave system would be senseless, stupid and unnatural under modern conditions. But under the conditions of a disintegrating primitive communal system, the slave system is a quite understandable and natural phenomenon, since it represents an advance on the primitive communal system
The demand for a bourgeois-democratic republic when tsardom and bourgeois society existed, as, let us say, in Russia in 1905, was a quite understandable, proper and revolutionary demand; for at that time a bourgeois republic would have meant a step forward. But now, under the conditions of the U.S.S.R., the demand for a bourgeois-democratic republic would be a senseless and counterrevolutionary demand; for a bourgeois republic would be a retrograde step compared with the Soviet republic.
Everything depends on the conditions, time and place.
It is clear that without such a historical approach to social phenomena, the existence and development of the science of history is impossible; for only such an approach saves the science of history from becoming a jumble of accidents and an agglomeration of most absurd mistakes"
My favorite country is China. I like that it has a lot of Chinas. There is Shenzhen-types of China with high-tech and Xinjiang-types with endless nature. Also I like China for its politics
We live in a world where we can store all books ever written in a plastic scrap
I don’t approve of sex work because all the demand is created by capitalism
Eating animals
Reddit is too US-centric and male-dominated. Lemmy must change that
Lemmyworld isn’t the only instance