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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Outside of suicidality, it’s important to not give advice outside of what’s asked for. It’s useful to talk in respect to your own experiences and not make universal claims about what works for you personally.

    Thanks for this.

    There is a german proverb for this: “Ratschläge sind auch Schläge”, meaning that advice, even when given with good intention, feels like a punch. Every time someone gave me advice i didn’t ask for while depressed felt horrible, like an accusation of laziness and lack of discipline. Don’t do this.

  • i think i would get notified in some way if the Mozilla Foundation changes ownership, and since it’s open source that is not much of an argument. open source is getting more common the last few years, but it’s definitely not common

    sure, it doesn’t mean they can’t. everyone making their own app also means that they don’t per default.

    and you didn’t touch the point regarding NO ADBLOCKING IN APPS while the whole debate here is because alphabet doesn’t want effective adblocking in their browser.

    • no unified password management (or even worse: everything gets just attached to your google/ios account - i hate apps that do not give me the option to keep stuff separate)
    • no history functions (esp. over multiple devices)
    • single apps getting bought out by marketing corpos or bad actors without getting notified
    • data sniffing apps are harder to reign in than my sandboxed browser tabs.

    I’m sure there are a lot more reasons, that’s just what came into my mind