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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023

  • LoL, no with stock splitting you get the same value only with more stocks that can go up in value eventually. This is worse cause the same amount of work*(arguably more considering how many server farms are out there mining the same coin now as opposed to back when it started)* for half the value. So, in a very real sense it does actually halve the value. And that’s not even looking at the fact that crypto currency has no inherited value. It’s not backed by anything but the investment of interest by crypto bros and shady groups looking to hide transactions and assets.

  • The original Brexit vote should have been at 2/3 majority vote. The fact that it was a simple majority was absolutely bonkers and I’m sure the ones who put it in the ballot knew exactly what they were doing. They all made massive sums of money on Brexit while the morons who voted for it are losing their shirt.

    Nowhere is this more evidenced than in this statement from the article.

    But once the 18% who say they don’t know are taken out, 52% back EU membership with 48% opposing it - a complete reversal of the 2016 Brexit referendum result.

    A full 18% of those polled couldn’t even make up their damned mind about it. And the people who wrote this chose to clip those idiots out of the picture in order to create the narrative they wanted for this clickbait as fuck article. And I will bet you anything the the Brexit framers would make serious bank on any effort to rejoin. [/removes tin hat]

  • What is in your email isn’t the only data that sending one can generate. There’s the IP address where it was sent from and where it’s going, there’s the time of day it was sent, there’s a load of metadata attached they can read and glean information about you and your recipient. And there’s advertisement opportunities in the interface that many services use to collect info on you. There are so many ways to collect data on you through your interactions online it’s not even funny.

    But yeah, keep pretending like you’ve found the only mail service that doesn’t collect any data on you at all if it helps you cope.

  • I have a job. I am currently getting ready to go to it. Then, since it is now Friday. I’m gonna order a god damned large pizza and then I’mma sit down in front of my big ass television set and play video games and eat pizza till I’m too tired to do either anymore.

    Which, because I’m fucking old now, will probably be around 10:00 p.m. 😢

  • Wondering if a mask would protect you from COVID-19? CDC does not currently recommend the general American public use a facemask to protect against novel coronavirus. Only healthcare professionals caring for COVID-19 patients, people who are sick with COVID-19, or in some cases people caring for patients who are sick with COVID-19 need precautions like a facemask to help limit their risk of spreading COVID-19.

    CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions, like staying home when you are sick and washing hands with soap and water, to help prevent the spread of respiratory illness.

    This literally says exactly what I just did. Wearing a mask will not protect you from getting covid or any other disease but it can protect other people from catching it from you by stopping you from spreading it.

    P.S. and yes, at the time healthcare professionals needed the masks desperately so that they could administer to patients without the fear of spreading the disease all over the place if they caught it because COVID has such a long incubation period that overlaps significantly with its shedding phase.

  • Early on in the COVID pandemic, the CDC told the public that masks weren’t important for stopping the spread, when they knew this to be false.

    This is why. It’s not true. This is not what they said. At all. They said what I outlined above.

    What you said here is what has been distorted by conservative media in the smear campaign against Fauci. A man we owe a great debt too and yet he continues to get threats and hate because of the absolute distortion of what he was saying and doing during the pandemic. All in an effort to shift the blame for how bad things got away from the great orange dipshit who bungled every aspect of our response to the disease when it hit the world.

  • The CDC said that masks would not be very effective at preventing you from getting the disease if you don’t already have it. They are however extremely effective at preventing you from spreading it if you are already infected.

    THAT is the difference.

    Yes, masks (not just N95 masks either) were indeed in short supply when the pandemic hit and the morons were buying them up like hot cakes in an effort to be “protected” from getting the virus. Except even if you are wearing a mask the virus can get in your eyes or get on your skin and get wiped on you nose, mouth, and eyes and you can get it. The only way to prevent the spread is for those who are infected to stop spreading the disease and masks are extremely effective at that.

    Fauci and the CDC didn’t lie, they were trying to stop idiots from hoarding masks that were in desperate need in hospitals and immediate care facilities. They just underestimate how unfathomably dumb you all are.

  • Clearly we need to lower taxes on the rich to solve the problem.

    This is what’s literally been happening since the early '80s. So far it’s not working out very well. And all those dipshits who want to roll back our country to the “Great Again” 1950’s and 60’s don’t seem to realize that that is when we had the absolute highest tax rate on the wealthy in the country. It was at almost 90% marginal tax rate.

    But no, you think what’s holding them back from spending their massive wealth is that the government is taking too much right now. 🙄 What a joke.