I know bash but what is fish ?
Is that real ?
I know bash but what is fish ?
I actually use it
You mean AI ? I rarely use it
Lemmy and Maatodon clearly accept left-wing values more than right-wing
Does Sony still make phones ? … The last time I saw someone using a Sony phone was probably 8 years ago
When I was testing Linux distributions on DistroSea it was pretty funny to me to see " Activate Windows " lines on the screen while testing a Linux distro
Emojis make reading slower because you’ll pay attention to both emojis and text , and try to understand it
Am I the only one who thinks that 16 gb RAM or more is too much for a phone if it’s not for playing or hard tasks in general ? I think it’s better for a PC/Laptop though
afaik there’s no one… The best you can do is to use the web instead of the app , better with Firefox + Ublock
When I used to use Firefox forks on my mobile, ublock once blocked nearly 10k thing in a month or less … this was such a surprise to me …
Reading this made me think about the amount of trackers your friend had in his phone during this process…
But don’t phones become hot on summers ? I thought that’s netural
I read this and this alone must be an enough reason to avoid Google play
I’m surprised that Android 15 will support split screen feature … I’ve already got it in Android 10 on the stock ROM
-Nearly 2 years when the warranty period ends , then I can go full-time to Linux
I actually read all the comments, and I’m thankful to everybody here for answering
Hot but I sometimes switch to New
To me , firefox and its android forks have nothing to offer other than ublock and extensions support in general, but only a few of these extensions are reviewed by Mozilla so if I needed another extension that is essential to my browsing but it’s not reviewed… I’ll have to ignore the voice in my mind that asks me " Are you sure the extension you installed can’t see your password while you’re typing it ? " … But I’ll give it another opportunity and try waterfox again
If so , then I feel at home in Linux