Hope you enjoy the descent into the LMS rabbit hole! Come see us over at the forums if you need any help ;)
Hope you enjoy the descent into the LMS rabbit hole! Come see us over at the forums if you need any help ;)
LMS would fit the bill perfectly. LMS, or Lyrion Music Server, formerly known as Logitech Media Server, is open source software that’s been given to the community by Logitech themselves. It used to be used to stream music from your computer to Squeezebox devices, but now you can stream it to nearly any computer, including…
Raspberry pis! By using piCorePlayer, you can turn your pi into a server for LMS, a player, or both at the same time!
I’ve been using LMS for years and can’t praise it enough. I’ve got whole house audio. My server runs on a Pi 4 and streams music from my NAS, but you can even stream it from a connected drive, Spotify, Deezer, or Qobuz!
Also, don’t fret about LMS’s…dated…UI. There’s robust themes out there, including the legendary Material Skin https://github.com/CDrummond/lms-material
Since you can use a Pi, you can connect any amp and speakers to it. Hifiberry makes great DACs that you could use for a cleaner sound, but any modern USB DAC would do well IMO.
You can still get Squeezeboxes cheaply on eBay, BTW. The Squeezebox Boom and Radio both are all-in-one WiFi enabled devices that can connect to your LMS server and stream music. Their sound quality is excellent, even for 10+ year old hardware.
If you have any questions, hit me up or check out the forums: https://forums.slimdevices.com/
Deemix has a container that has a WEB UI
This is exciting! Can’t wait to kill my install by trying to upgrade!
For any of the scene kids who grew up with Attack Attack! (Aka, the crabcore kings), Bilmuri is Johnny Franck, one of their members ;)
These rips, even in FLAC, never contain logs or cues. If you’re downloading FLAC for archival purposes, these files are essential. Private trackers and SS are the only way I download music. Scene rips are a waste of my time