Kinda. One of the Linux “wrappers” (I’m a bit tired and can’t think of the correct term here, bear with me) that lets you utilize some Linux utilities on Windows, maybe it was mingw or cygwin, actually uses pacman as their package manager IIRC.
NVidia borks my installation sometimes. Then my stupidity to choose the non-dkms beta driver from the AUR. But all in all, my non-NVidia-devices (server, workstation and laptop) run fine on arch testing, updated every time I use one of those devices.
This is exciting! Can’t wait to kill my install by trying to upgrade!
If anything, i would expect packagekit frontends to break. If you use pacman as intended, you’ll be just fine
You can run pacman on Windows?
Kinda. One of the Linux “wrappers” (I’m a bit tired and can’t think of the correct term here, bear with me) that lets you utilize some Linux utilities on Windows, maybe it was mingw or cygwin, actually uses pacman as their package manager IIRC.
Yep that’s the one, thanks!
It’s called Ms. PacMan over there
yes (msys2) except it will never bork your windows install unlike on arch.
I mean you don’t really use Arch if you don’t bork it once in a while. :)
NVidia borks my installation sometimes. Then my stupidity to choose the non-dkms beta driver from the AUR. But all in all, my non-NVidia-devices (server, workstation and laptop) run fine on arch testing, updated every time I use one of those devices.
That’s a very pleasant word for a horrible experience I keep doing to myself.