reminds me of this story from the battle of Stalingrad:
reminds me of this story from the battle of Stalingrad:
really hope so but I’m afraid EU commission will be too scared to do the right thing…
too credible for NCD 😅. A good NCD possible way is: they will attach the warhead to prigozhin body because pringles has a tendency to fall from high altitude, and attach chinese balloon to him so pringles and the warhead don’t fall immediatly. When a wild F-22 see the balloon above NATO territory it will attack it by instinct (that’s well documented now that’s what wild F-22 do when they see chinese ballon). Without the balloon pringles will fall making the warhead fall with it, and boom.
i think their nuke was maintained because US controlled them regularly and I think the US experts were able to distinguish between a fake nuke, a dangerously unmaintained nuke and a functioning nuke.
But that only concerns nuclear warheads. Can Putin send those heads? The latest tests of Satan II suggest that no 😏
I recommand reading account of one of his child (she activated federation). She really exposed how he has always been liked that and he is just good at manipulating his public face.
here is the thread:
didn’t knew that, I just knew that SR-71 was built with soviet titanium imported from russia by the CIA 🤣
best life advise, thank you little cat ^^
don’t works great on GNU/Linux yet even with a 3080 (very unstable framerate even with low settings). Hope proton will be fixed soon by Valve so this game run like FF7 remake.
well, you seems to be on spot on your first statement, they are falling for it 🤣 :
I still hope we get to see the funny of gerasimov (if he has still not walked to close of a window) telling putler that they have lost one of the oldest russian extra territory 😏
not the left, look: it’s on the right of the plane… It’s a republican propeller!
yes. On french TV, during an interview this week, Boudanov said that we will be surprised by the next Ukraine move. Liberating Moldova seems like a surprising move, but a pleasant one (and not that difficult based on russian army there :) )
I translated it in the title (That’s why I used double-quoted ^^)
From what we saw during those 10 years, russia will not have a fair talk until ukraine’s tanks parade on the red square
it’s a frontend for X without the ads and without the need of an account to access the tweet and the comments. you can replace (the domain part of the url) with if you prefer
do parents of ukrainian new born expect their child they call Javelin to have sex with tanks and explode? XD
it was this moment Jackson putler knew he fucked up!
arf I mixed my dream with reality, I was not talking about Shoigu but Prigozhin ><
Heresis! It’s like saying that Deathwatch and Xenos can sleep together!