This is a tweet from the head of BackAndAlive (the Ukraine’s largest military fund). If it happens we may discover a new red shade on putler’s face.
This is a tweet from the head of BackAndAlive (the Ukraine’s largest military fund). If it happens we may discover a new red shade on putler’s face.
Dunno what would be funnier:
This being a ruse to distract the Russians, and they fall for it, or the madlads actually doing a little trip west.
I think I need mommy to make me a hot chocolate. Too excited to sleep now.
well, you seems to be on spot on your first statement, they are falling for it 🤣 :[twitter]&utm_campaign=[rogue_corq]
I still hope we get to see the funny of gerasimov (if he has still not walked to close of a window) telling putler that they have lost one of the oldest russian extra territory 😏