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  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I disagree. Lemmy is more resistant to bots because there’s no perverse incentive to boost user activity numbers to please investors and advertisers. Reddit for example doesn’t really care if most comments are fake on a post. It’s still interaction and it pumps numbers. Lemmy is built and run by us. It serves no other masters.

    Given that users naturally self-sort into instances, your trolls are also more likely to congregate on instances and communities that can be blocked. I don’t want to name any names but I do block some instances from my view for a reason. The Russian bots congregate in places that are amenable to this, and the design of Lemmy encourages this self-sorting into places where you’re accepted.

    The problem is still significant, but there are advantages to the fediverse.

  • This year, the Missouri General Assembly passed a deceptive measure that could actually make it harder for us to hold our leaders accountable. You will see this measure on your November ballot, claiming that it stops noncitizens from voting — even though that has been illegal for a century. It’s an unnecessary and misleading proposal, but without Missourians reading the fine print, it may very well pass — based on a lie.

    One of the simplest examples is called “pick-all-you-like” or approval voting: When voters go to the ballots, they can choose any number of candidates they support, rather than being forced to settle on one option.

    Unfortunately, the legislature’s trick measure in November would take away your choice to hold leaders accountable by hiding what’s really on the ballot. It’s a deceptive attack on local control.

    I’m a fleshy human being who took out some quotes manually.