• 3 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: May 15th, 2019


  • I used OkCupid for some dates before I found my now husband. It took quite a few dates on my side, but I just considered that par for the course. For him, I was his first date on OkCupid. For that matter, I was the first man that he dated, though he had dated a girl in high school.

    Unfortunately, in the decade since we’ve met, I think both straight and gay oriented dating apps have probably taken a turn for the worse. We both had extensive, descriptive profiles and talked for a long time before meeting up. I keep hearing that the gay apps have turned into mostly hookup apps, but I can’t speak for straight apps.

  • I wasn’t able to get a good read on it either. I didn’t spot anything obviously wrong from a technical standpoint, but I’m not a systems developer. It just doesn’t have much that distinguishes it on a non-technical level. The design is neat, but other OS projects like Redox have shot past it in a shorter period of time. That tells me something’s broken, whether it’s technical or social.

  • Every single person on the planet is aware of climate change

    I’m still trying to get my husband’s uncle to get off his easy out of “well I guess it’s happening, but humans didn’t cause it.” He, along with a lot of other people, are in an echo chamber. Obviously plopping pigment on monuments isn’t going to do shit to convince them, but I don’t know what will.

  • In my previous job, I was asked to break focus every 15 minutes to check my email and see if one of my coworkers was falling behind on dealing with a queue of tasks, then pitch in if he was. I hated the job in general, but that in particular just ruined any possibility of productivity. Hard for anyone, near impossible for someone with ADHD. Then I got blamed for falling behind on my work. And for being disorganized (we didn’t have a ticket tracker, hmmm).

  • pingveno@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe struggle is real
    10 days ago

    Then there are the rotting watermelons over in corner, expensive books that a professor in college required and then almost never used. And now they sit, unlovable and difficult to resell because a new edition has come out with the problems at the back of the chapter rearranged.

  • This is so hard to answer because so many of these things you don’t miss it until it’s gone. I’m going to say physical keyboards. Like, not that physical keyboards will disappear entirely, but I think they will continue to get much, much less common. I think a lot of people will miss the tactile advantage of a good keyboard, though.

    One thing I think we’re in for a rebound on is how we deal with batteries. Currently, the paradigm for many devices is that manufacturers put a rechargeable battery in and that’s it. When the battery wears down or breaks, the device is done too. This can’t go on forever. It’s creating too much e-waste, expense, and pollution.

    I think the deal that customers are getting from streaming services is probably too good to last, in general. It’s already starting to degrade, with companies all going to start their own streaming platforms with smaller and smaller catalogs. You have to really plan for what you want to see. The rise of exclusive shows really damaged things. Vertical integration like that hurts competition.

  • It is mostly a shorthand for the type of ingredient in a sandwich. So you have veggies, sauces, (vegan) cheese, and of course bread. The actual macronutrient profile is likely to be more varied than just protein, like with a legume patty.

    My diet does tend to be fairly low in protein, from what my food logging has shown. I am going to start some strength training and regular exercise within the next few weeks, so I want to have a balanced diet there.

  • pingveno@lemmy.mlOPtoVegan@lemmy.mlVegan sandwich protein
    18 days ago

    My current belt tightening has to do with being overweight and diabetic. There’s a vegan burger joint nearby that has various types of patties. I enjoy the legume based ones the most. The quinoa ones are great too, but I think it would be easier to start with legumes. Fortunately, legumes have all sorts of great health benefits.