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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I get where you’re coming from with needing an official diagnosis for work accommodations, but none of your friends are really going to demand to see a doctor’s note, so why would personal relationships depend on an official diagnosis?

    The same reasons as from a professional experience. Yes they aren’t going to pull the doctor’s note but neither is work IMHO. What it does is provide more weight behind your words of “hey I’m not just googling this shit. I’m not just an insufferable asshole looking to validate that I am. I’m actually working with a psychologist.”

    Friends, just like coworkers, etc. care less of the diagnosis. They want to know you’re working on you because I’d argue writ large people want to see you succeed. A self-diagnosis can help but it doesn’t give you access to all the tools you may need to succeed so from the outside I would argue that official diagnosis matters. It means you now have someone else on your “team” be it a GP or a psychologist or whatever helping you navigate things.

  • Self-diagnosis doesn’t help with relationships IMHO either and I mean that both from a personal and professional perspective.

    Why you might ask?

    YMMV but for me, I am an open book. Having the diagnosis meant I could talk to bosses when trying a new med, or explain to them when struggling. Knowing the diagnosis means you immediately diffuse an aspect of a challenge. For me, that has been immensely valuable.

  • I’ve been pondering this one because I grew up a country boy and now live in the city. What you’re talking about still exists. I live in Newmarket, ON and still rarely lock my doors and so all the things you mention.

    John Ralston Saul said, and I’m paraphrasing, what made Canadians special was the uniqueness in how we came to be. Our relationship with “the other” now defined as immigrants, comes from a natural place of understanding and respect. You become a Canadian but you also keep your identity because Canada is made stronger by that inter-weaving of social fabrics.

    I will agree that our country is hurting but I would argue the biggest threat to our nation is the immigration of American style identity politics that started back in the 80’s and has since escalated to a wave of “Fuck Trudeau”.

    I have said before what truly scares me is that the Conservative movement in all their bigoted while male centric policies has realized that they can synergize their vitriol with people who have come here from brutally regressive countries when it comes to the treatment of women, gays and minorities.

    Big picture we are going in the right direction but it’s going to be a rough decade or so.