That documentation is supposed to explain how a thing works to people who don’t know how it works. I know, sounds extremely obvious, but you’d be surprised how much documentation out there is written in a way, expecting you to already know what it’s talking about. No. I do not. It is the documentation’s job to explain ME what IT is talking about…
There’s a whole community of young men who wear thigh highs and cat ears while they game and design
The current system of getting a job is horrifyingly toxic, broken and inefficienct
What would a better system look like?
For one thing, people would only apply to a few places, with requirements that closely matched their skills.
I feel like right now the dating and hiring and job hunting experience is all based on getting enough volume to then get to pick from the potentials. Maybe if we were able to do a mutually agreed upon “we (dating, employer, job hunter) are going to be really honest, you can be honest too and let’s see if we’re a good match.” I think it would be slower, and initially scarier to have less volume, but maybe in the end it would get better quality matches all around.
For one, I think that you should be told when you’re rejected from a job. The uncertainty of waiting is one of the worst parts of job hunting in my opinion, and it’s made worse by the fact I can’t just assume that if I haven’t heard anything, I haven’t got the job, because some places have hiring processes that seem to last for months. I get that if you’re offered a job months down the line, they probably hired someone else, fired them and are now moving down their list of next best candidates, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to keep people in the dark for so long.
Agreed. A few places have an online portal where you can see the status of your application but they are few and far between.
The problem with some bad systems is that people recognize the system as bad, but can’t create a better system.
What field of expertise are you applying for? What country are you applying from?
Computers, and US. But I’m not just basing it off my experience
That chiropractic care is not evidence based
Are you sure? I’m pretty sure the ghost that taught DD Palmer the art of chiropracticness was totally legit. DD even said the ghost was a doctor, why would you not believe him?!?
The stuff they do that works is stuff that a physiotherapist will do, just go see the expert.
My chiro has all his training in physiotherapy. So is he a quack or is he a pro? I’m so confused!
If he was a certified physiotherapist then he would work as a physio I can guarantee that.
I think you’ve just reconciled two things:
Internet always says chiropractors are quacks
Multiple reasonable people IRL have praised their own chiropractors
Someone can praise their chiropractor, in the end that’s anecdotal and then I could point to all the people that have become paralyzed due to chiros.
All of them are quacks because most of what they do to people is bullshit and potentially harmful, it just happens that they sometimes also do some things that are actually ok but it’s methods employed by an actual medical field.
For people who don’t know, the theory of chiropractics is that the light of God somehow shines into the human body through the top of the head, travels down the spine, and on through the nerves. If you can just fix any blockages (aka “subluxations”) in that flow then it will be impossible for disease to exist in the body. Because God’s light.
The founder of chiropractics was told this information by a ghost.
I know some people swear by chiropractic adjustments, but this is information I wish I’d known when I had my back injury because going to a chiropractor set my recovery back by at least three years. And the money I lost to that quack could have paid for not only the legit physical therapist that actually got me feeling better, but probably a decent massage chair too.
I’ve never heard a chiropractor say that. How do I know what you just claimed about that field isn’t misinformation?
From the Wikipedia article:
“Early chiropractors believed that all disease was caused by interruptions in the flow of innate intelligence, a vitalistic nervous energy or life force that represented God’s presence in man; chiropractic leaders often invoked religious imagery and moral traditions. D. D. Palmer said he ‘received chiropractic from the other world’. D. D. and B. J. [Palmer] both seriously considered declaring chiropractic a religion, which might have provided legal protection under the U.S. constitution, but decided against it partly to avoid confusion with Christian Science.”*
Why would a chiropractor tell you that? Nobody selling you a quack remedy is going to just come out and tell you it’s quack remedy. That’s rule #1 of selling quack remedies. But the history of chiropractics isn’t a secret, Neither are the statistics on vertebral artery dissection and other injuries caused by chiropractic adjustments. But look, I’m not your mommy. You don’t have to believe me, and you’re free to go do what you feel. It’s your own neck you’re risking.
Wow, I knew chiropractors were quacks, but I didn’t know it was this bad. Thanks for sharing this; I’m sorry that you didn’t have this information when you most needed it.
Depends on what you mean by that. PTs can use chiropractic techniques to great effect.
But there is a MASSIVE difference between an actual PT that sometimes uses specific chiropractic techniques and the con artists who try to shake your down for weekly neck cracks.
I thought PT was chiropractic.
PT is evidence based, chiropracty is woo. PT goal is to get you better and stop PT or teach you how to do it on your own. Chiropractors want you to come back for the rest of your life.
You somehow thinking that the word “lemmy” is from lemon…? That’s a level of idiocy that shouldn’t be possible. It’s Lemmings, and the logo is a lemming, which is obvious. How the fuck is it even possible to miss any of this?
Russia will not stop warring if Ukraine surrenders. Russia’s war will stretch to every corner of the earth.
Any system that relies on people selling themselves will inevitably select for those who can sell themselves best, not any other metric
Any metric will become a target and then people will maximize that instead of whatever they were supposed to be doing. Goodhart’s law
Ooh, I must remember that, that’s a good one. Some of my clients could do with learning it.
That you should never use the same password for more than one site, especially some random Chinese eshop. I don’t get why people refuse to use password managers, ffs…
We have figured out how to run everything, absolutely everything, in the 1950s.
The original computer “AI” craze was started by “cybernetic systems” and for good reason. You probably only know of the bastardizations of “cyber-” that don’t have anything in common with the original concept.
The original concept goes like this:
- set a goal
- perform an action
- measure how much impact that had, did it get you closer to your goal or not?
- If you are at your goal, you’re done,
- otherwise adjust your actions, got to 2. (This is “feedback” and the reason that word is now so common. People at the time knew)
The faster you go through the loop, the faster you will figure out what works.
You can measure anything you want, as vague is you want. Happiness, money, productivity. It’s the way democracy is designed to work, in which case the feedback is vague and the cycle time is measured in years. It runs your thermostats, in your home, big national power grid power plants. It’s how autopilots autopilot.
The idea that “nobody could have predicted…” or “nobody responsible” is a myth. We have the science. We know how it works.
Every failure we still experience is a failure we allow to happen. Because of profit, politics, or whatever.
Didn’t catch something “going on for years”, maybe someone should check more often. “Crazy single individual causing a tragedy”? No, that’s a person at risk, probably with social or mental problems you didn’t take care of before, didn’t flag, and didn’t stop in time.
“Nobody wants to work on our open source project” Really, how is your onboarding? Do people take a look at the docs/culture and run away screaming? Yeah?
gdday’ lemon!
The pursuit of “equity” is a tribalistic and often racist effort that rebuilds and reinforces the systemic racism we’ve been trying to dismantle for decades.
Genders aren’t real. Stop bothering me with how you think people should act regarding their ugly bits. I don’t need to know about your sex life and how proud you are for the way you get your happy sensors wiggled.
LLMs are not general AI. They are not intelligent. They aren’t sentient. They don’t even really understand what they’re spitting out. They can’t even reliably do the 1 thing computers are typically very good at (computational math) because they are just putting sequences of nonsense (to them) characters together in the most likely order based on their training model.
When LLMs feel sentient or intelligent, that’s your brain playing a trick on you. We’re hard-wired to look for patterns and group things together based on those patterns. LLMs are human-speech prediction engines, so it’s tempting and natural to group them with the thing they’re emulating.
You can recharge your new iPhone in the microwave.
and hit Alt+F4 to toggle God Mode
Need more RAM? Just download it!
found myself some bootleg RAM on usenet, screw the system
Spelling, punctuation, and the use of contractions. The part that really sells the irritation factor is when they try to say they’re correct by making up some definition for what they said or claiming “common usage”. I guess it’s because people don’t really read much anymore. Reading someone else’s words that have been carefully edited, corrected into good sentence structure, and spellchecked can really help get it your own head.
They place the burden on the reader to decipher their made-up vocabulary. It really isn’t too awful, it’s just that people have to have read the correct way something is used yet insist on not changing.