I never finished Bravely Second. I loved Bravely Default, but for some reason I just stopped playing the sequel.
Spider-Man Remastered - 80% completed the story and left it there. Lost interest. Didn’t see any point in exploring most abilities when a hand full of AoE enemy clearing abilities were so effective.
Guacamelee 2 I left close to the final boss and still think of it as one of the best games I ever played.
Cuphead - had plenty of fun, but lost interest in replaying bosses so many times over and over.
Eldest Souls - excellent game, but I took along break from it and when I came back I forgot how the mechanics and ability synergies worked out and felt like I was relearning it from scratch (except I was on advance and difficult bosses).
Overcooked 2 - my wife stopped making time to spend on the game and would rather watch TV together instead.
It Takes Two - my brother’s schedule never lined up with mine.
Sifu - got too difficult.
The legend of Zelda Twilight princess.
I finished the last dungeon, collected all the extra stuff and every side quest I could find. I literally got right up to the lead up to the final Gannon fight… Then I was like “meh, I’m done”.
i do this all the time. when i get close to finishing the game, i HAVE to go do all the side quests i neglected to finish along the way. Then i get burned out and beforei do the final boss… But my SO has similar video game tastes as me, so i end up just watching him do the final boss on his save hahaha
Doom 2016
Im honestly not sure the last time I actually finished a game.
A combination of not having enough play time and those rare occasions I do have the time I tend to burn myself out playing the game.
Most of them, but KCD is my favourite, I suck at sword fighting, bow shooting, but I keep returning to this game
I love the archery.
I haven’t played in a good while, but just sneaking through the forests poaching deer (to cook because the second it’s cooked it’s not suspicious at all that I have 500 pounds of meat for sale) is one of the more satisfying hunting in games experience I’ve had.
(Edit: it’s $3 on PSN right now. I have it on steam but I can’t resist rebuying to have on both at that price.)
The sword fighting becomes way easier once you unlock some skills through training. The first time I played I didn’t know about the training and it took me way longer than it should have to figure it out. Maybe you already know about that, but just in case you missed that like I did at first, thought I’d mention it.
I heard it’s the same for archery, I hope it’ll be more rewarding in KCD2 because I’d rather pick flowers now
You guys finish games?
Right? This question is basically asking for a list of games I love, excluding the ones that somehow tricked me into finishing them
Been meaning to go back and finish Subnautica. I had a good time with it but one sea moth got destroyed bc I couldn’t find the zap key in time and I got ejected from another when it was really deep and couldn’t go back down and get it without collecting more resources.
I enjoyed the game but I wish it was like 10% easier with QoL improvements, like having a bigger inventory, your ship respawns, etc.
I highly recommend giving Subnautica another shot. It quickly became one of my all-time favorites. The devs have gone back and made improvements and even brought some buildables and minor features from Below Zero into the original game. It’s not perfect and you could still potentially lose a seamoth to a bug but I was able to finish it on hardcore mode (one death erases your save) if that tells you anything about stability.
I liked fallout New Vegas a lot, but my hoarding mentality and constant inventory management was a bad combination, so I never finished that game.
I’m replaying New Vegas now and made misc items have zero weight so I can hoard away.
Save corruption was what did it for me. Every single attempt at playing New Vegas resulted in save corruption before I could beat it.
One thing that worked for me was starting a new game and loading the corrupted save from there rather than trying to load it from the main menu
I got all the way to the end, but then decided to enter one of the DLCs and just lost all interest in it.
There’s a UI mod that makes a world of difference. Adds categories and columns for sorting, one of the categories is junk so you know what you can just trash without worries. Another is a weight/value ratio so its easier to drop heavy armor that looks sort of valuable but really isnt. It saves an incredible amount of time. Game still takes forever to beat if you wanna do all the quests.
I’m on fallout 4 with an unlimited carry weight mod and having a blast. I’ll come back to fnv with mods after I’m done with fo4 then, thanks
Anyone know what this mod is called? I have the same hoarding problem as the other poster so this sounds essential for me.
Its been over a decade so I’m not entirely sure, but I think this might be the one: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/60534
I played around with Skyrim modding more so I may have confused some features with SkyUI. I could have sworn they were made by the same people but now that one is listed as developed by the SkyUI team, and looks like it got a lot more updates.
I think last I played NV I also used Project Nevada which gives a major overhaul of tons of aspects for the game. It’s got a whole lot more than you’re asking for but it was pretty rad.
Edit: Or it might have been the DarNified one. This sounds familiar: https://taleoftwowastelands.com/viewtopic.php@t=7284
Sorry for the uncertainty here, its really been awhile and I would have to reinstall all this stuff to know for sure whats what.
Mount and Blade, both titles Kingdom Come Deliverance Elden Ring Ghost Recon Wildlands
I’ve got untold hours into Ghost Recon, but once they released the permadeath ghost mode, it’s the only way I play. I even made a youtube guide on how to speed run the first hour for various perks. Sure I could beat the game in normal mode, but it just seems too easy.
Tears of the Kingdom. It just got too grindy for me. I rarely play anything any more anyways.
Oh, you can finish it up pretty quickly when you decide to. Just make a b-line for where all the big dungeons obviously are. You don’t need much for gear.
I almost never “finish” games. I tend to prefer games that either can’t be finished or are of sufficient scope that following a main quest line is only a small portion of what the game has to offer. I generally think most game writing is bad, and am not playing for a story.
Most cases where I finish games, I consider it a letdown because I think there should be more.
Darks Souls 3, Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, Skyrim.
I love RPGs but hate boss fights, for some reason. Once I feel I’ve done enough exploration and character development, I invariably lose all interest close to the last boss.
Honestly, the point of BoTW isn’t the ending. It’s much more about the adventure and exploration. I turned off all the HUD stuff and just enjoyed exploring the world. By the time I fought Gannon, it was trivial because of how powerful Link had become.
But it was worth beating it because
Tap for spoiler
after Gannon and finishing the main DLC quests, you get a sick dirt bike and get to tear ass around Hyrule like it’s an open world Mario Kart.
I did all the dlc and got the bike but I still haven’t beaten Gannon because I thought killing him would end my save
Nah, Zelda games don’t typically save once you beat them. You get a little star on your save file, I think, but otherwise, it drops you back to the save right before you fought Ganon so you can do all the side quests if you want. (If you’re a completionist, good luck finding all 1000 Korok seeds.)
I found the first half of master mode to be really fun too. Eventually, you level up enough that it’s not that much harder but at first, you have to basically play in stealth mode and avoid fights or use trickery. (Eventually, you level up enough that it’s almost easier because the monsters are all stronger and it’s easier to get good weapons/shields.)
It keeps your last save before beating the boss I believe
Do you not want to find out how the game ends? I think I get it, though, since I’d just make up endings I preferred for books with endings I didn’t like.
Not really, and I think that’s because in many games I play primarily to experience the world, find new items, and generally explore. The story itself usually takes a back seat and is rarely the thing driving me forward.
One counterpoint to that, off the top of my head, is Journey, which I always play through to the end scene.
Zelda combat gives me way too many heart palpations. I also tried for like 2 hours to take down a guardian with shield blocking (eventually did) and I really don’t think I got any better at it.
System Shock 2.
I always get too scurred around Hydroponics.
Baldur’s Gate 3.
I played through one single player save and two multiplayer ones with different groups, enjoyed it all - but only got a little ways into Act 3 on any one save. A combination of middling performance with my older rig and just having sank so much time in I burnt out a little.
Still think it’s a fantastic game, but I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to finish it - I feel like I’d have to start a whole new save.
Yep, love the game and got a good portion into act 3 but then just lost all will to play.
It was the same with divinity original sin 2. The final act was so large, disorganized, and not fun. Like they had a lot of ideas they needed to use but didn’t know where until then, so they threw them all in a big city and called it a day.
I have that game and never made it past the first 20 min. Maybe I’ll give it another shot.
In my experience act 3 was extremely buggy, we had a blast in act 1 and 2 with my friend but the bugs in act 3 killed basically all our motivation and we never finished it.
Idk if I had any bugs in the game at all. I just kinda lost the will to play
I’m in the same boat. I want to like the game and it is fun, but I got stuck with some area with orbs and my save corrupted…one of the orbs just disappeared after 50+ hours and I can’t bring myself to play again and possibly have the same bug pop up. Maybe someday but it’s just such a big game.