I’m new to linux and have been using Linux Mint (Cinnamon) for the past few days. I was using Vivaldi on Windows 11 and I loved it so I decided to also use it on Mint.

However the problem now is it “stutters” a lot. videos stutter, even typing (like right now) it just randomly stutters and pauses. Also sometimes it simply won’t open a new tab. So I don’t know if this is common with Vivaldi or what.

I’m open to using a different browser as long as I can port over my passwords and bookmarks from vivaldi. is there a better alternative?


EDIT: so it wasn’t the browser, it’s the nvidia drivers. the 535 driver is causing it to stutter, tried switching to nouveau drivers and while it solves the stuttering it tanks gaming. tried installing the 550 drivers and it bricked my system. recovered and just going to deal with the stuttering of the 535 for now.

  • zelifcam@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    You entered the Linux Desktop scene at an awkward time, using an NVIDIA card.

    Linux Mint’s packages can be a bit old. I would never recommend anyone to use Mint with an NVIDIA card.

    We just hit a compatibility point ( this week ) with the NVIDIA drivers and popular DE’s like KDE Plasma and GNOME which provides an excellent Wayland experience. Distro’s like CachyOS and Nobara Linux are probably one of the only ones taking advantage of this so far. Besides those of us who roll their own.