• givesomefucks@lemmy.worldM
    7 days ago

    The problem is one party plans decades ahead of time to bring fascism back to America…

    And the only other option refuses to plan past getting elected.

    Hell, the whole nation united under Biden to beat Trump, and as soon as Biden got in office (with house and Senate majorities) he spent two years "looking into’ what he could do.

    We can’t half ass the fight against fascism and expect to make progress long term.

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldM
        7 days ago

        That defeatist attitude is why the DNC keeps trying to cram more conservative candidates than the people want down America’s throat.

        Like, if the most progressive candidates we get are past 70 and against progress…

        Yeah. We’re not going to make progress even when we beat the fascists.

        Its hard to blame anyone for the lack of progress except the people fighting progress…

        It’s like choosing between Taco Bell and McDonald’s for dinner and then acting surprised we didn’t get a steak.

        If we want steak, we gotta order from somewhere that at least has a chance of delivering a steak to the table.

        It doesn’t mean steak is impossible, just impossible if we keep ordering from the same shitty fast food places.

          • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldM
            7 days ago

            You linked a comment where I said:

            Except the Dems convention hasn’t happened yet and there’s still plenty of time to hire Batman a great butler who’s still capable…

            Joker only has a chance if we run Alfred and he loses. We don’t have to run Alfred.

            So if you want to do everything you can to stop Joker, Alfred needs to step aside and endorse his replacement

            That is not at all what you’re saying it is.

            Please try to keep it civil and not blatantly lie about what others have said.

            • SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
              7 days ago

              You ask for civility, but you compare Alfred “Motherfucking” Pennysworth to Biden!? Alfred is a god damned certified bad ass! Of all the terrible comparisons! You sir, are obviously trying to be inflammatory!

            • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
              7 days ago

              Sure sounds like it to me.

              Here’s something else you said within the last hour.

              So who’s your candidate

              I hate how people phrase that like anyone saying Biden is a stupid risk, are just saying that because they have a favorite candidate…

              Anyone that’s not pro-genocide, is pro-worker, and not trump would have a walkin victory.


              But do explain how telling someone that Biden isn’t your candidate means people should vote for Biden.

              Shall I find other examples?

              • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldM
                7 days ago

                What others?

                Because you still haven’t linked a single one where I say anything other than it’s not too late to not run Biden.

                Honestly tho, this is getting real close to personal harassment and youve been repeatedly misrepresenting what others say

                Just chill out and start following Lemmy.world’s civility rules.

                Hell, you even left out part of the quote so it looks like I didn’t answer:

                I hate how people phrase that like anyone saying Biden is a stupid risk, are just saying that because they have a favorite candidate…

                Anyone that’s not pro-genocide, is pro-worker, and not trump would have a walkin victory.

                You asked for one specific person, so AOC has the best chance to stop trump in my opinion.

                She’s young, charismatic, a great public speaker, and can flip red states like Obama in 08 due to those traits.

                  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldM
                    7 days ago

                    See how much has changed?

                    You can’t just insist anyone that asks for more than Biden is a trump supporter.

                    You’re not trying to stop trump, you’re trying to bully people into supporting your candidate.

                    That doesn’t work.

                    Like. Historically those kind of campaigns lead to Republican presidents. I’m not saying it won’t work right here with me, I’m saying it’s not going to work on enough voters to stop trump. Just like it didn’t in 2016, and barely worked in 2020 before Biden was unapologetically supporting a genocide and being sued by the ACLU.

                    Dem voters vote more for someone they want than against something they don’t want.

                    It’s basic human psychology.

                    You don’t want to hear the best way to beat Trump, you want to start slap fights and screech at people until they vote for who you want.

                    Seriously, just take the L.

                    At this point with all the personal attacks, it really feels like you’re trying to bait me into banning you.