If you tell people a thing over and over they will see what they are told is there. If you want to talk about systemic racism, literally the current system is against one race, and most of you guys cheer for it.
…and what “one race” is the current system against, in your opinion?
Obviously white people (and actually some asians too). This is not even a debatable thing, its literally government and corporation policy.
Am I understanding that you are trying to say that the system is anti-white people?
That’s what I’m interpreting. Man is a red flag.
It’s the the standard complaint of DEI initiatives being against the white man that these chuds like to bring up as racist. When you’re used to privelage, any attempt at establishing equality feels like discrimination
Excellent point.
Yes, the government and corporations literally are set up to be against white people, and men specifically. This isnt even an argument it is policy.
ROFL!! Seriously… thanks for the laugh!
Majority of Black Americans are correct
Also its likely not just black Americans being conspired against by these US institutions, likely other minority groups in addition, but yes definitely black Americans.
this aint a race thing… it is a class thing. If you are working person, then yes the private and public mega orgs are conspiring to impoverish you while extracting value of your labor.
Not just minority groups, they are conspiring against all poor people no matter their race. The divide against the haves and have nots in growing daily.
Along with the volume of ‘‘don’t you hate Mexicans? Don’t you hate these black folks looting stores in packs of 20? Humm? Better start killing your neighbors and ignoring your boss making 700% of what you make!’’ They are all roots of the same tree.
Oof, thanks. I was coming in hot with “half of the fucking government is openly showing it and being allowed to” and gonna make the cracks on my phone screen dance.
Gee… I wonder what could ever have tipped them off?
Perhaps it’s the fundamentally white supremacist society they exist within?
Nahhh… couldn’t possibly be that.
Gee… I wonder what could ever have tipped them off?
Well, if you complain about it enough, the FBI will send you a letter just straight-up telling you.
Heres a fun tidbit, some fascist dude who genocided people said that blonde hair and blue eyes was the best.
Turns out only 2% of people are blonde, but I damn sure see more than 1 in 50, especially in movies/media. Kinda weird that Hollywood loves the same thing Hitler did, eh?
Kinda weird that Hollywood loves the same thing Hitler did, eh?
It’s almost like there’s this thing they’re trying to do… as if they are trying to convince people who look a certain way that they are, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, what humanity really is and should be - and everything that doesn’t fit into that narrow classification should forever be seen as aberrant and abnormal.
It’s too bad we don’t have a term for that…
they are correct
The only surprise it’s it’s less than 10 of 10.
Because they are.
They are.
We call that (systemic) racism
Which people would know about if they didn’t demonize CRT.
But they had to demonize CRT because it brought up too many uncomfortable questions that were obvious once someone mentioned them.
When the wool is full of holes it’s hard to pull it over someone’s eyes
Otherwise known as actual American history and present reality.
I almost forgot that CRT was a code for N word just a few news cycles ago.
Wow almost as if us institutions are racist
People accept that racism is systemic but reject any form of systemic change and wonder why racism is still here.
People accept that racism is systemic
People don’t. And the reasons why are, themselves, systemic. Mass media is dominated by white nationalists and peppered with Uncle Tom types willing to say anything to get ahead.
This creates all sorts of inertia and friction in any political reform campaign, as misinformation and FUD provoke a coordinated backlash against even the most milquetoast social changes.
Conservative black people must have permanent surprised Pikachu face from shit like this.
They are
The war on drugs was admittedly motivated to try and make it illegal to be Black in America, by disrupting their communities with false accusations of drug use.
US Senate: specifically designed to give slave states more power. Still not proportional today, still disempowers Black voters who live in more populous states
Electoral college: specifically designed to give slave states more power. Still in place today, still disenpowers Black voters in more populated areas
Washington DC: no senators, no congress representatives, tons of Black citizens
Qualified Immunity: free pass for police to kill Black people
Felon voting exclusions: more Black people are imprisoned than white people and are barred from voting at all.
That’s just from memory. There are so many more, but I’m a white guy so I’m ignorant of most of them.
There is a documented institutional conspiracy against Black people and it’s right out there in the open.
They don’t even try to hide it. It’s pretty common knowledge.
That’s how they getcha
institution: yet another non-human living asexual hyperobject constantly having sex with itself stopping only to shamefully laugh at the moments in which we respire.
Everything in the US has been built on the back of racism.
So tired of these broad, extremist generalizations on Lemmy. This is the mind of nonsense conservatives point to as “evidence liberals are stupid.”
But it’s actually true. If you look through the foundations of the US it is actually built on racism. They legitimately have white washed our education to remove it.
You’ve truly missed a majority of US history if you don’t see the truth in their statement.
You’re right. There’s also classism, sexism, religious bigotry and a dash of ageism.