I just want to kill some time, I like simple arcade style games that aren’t using scummy corporate sales tactics to get me to play every day
The older Pokemon gameboy games (using emulator).
The Room series - puzzle/mystery style.
The Room series are great games.
Even NDS games should be pretty playable on a phone. Give Heart Gold/Soul Silver a try if you’ve missed it, they’re the best Pokémon games.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon. If you like Roguelikes.
Steepest learning curve of any game I’ve played. So damn rewarding though.
I hate this game so much. I played 3 times yesterday.
That’s OK, you can also play it if you hate Roguelikes.
Knights of the old Republic has been on there for a while.
Slay the Spire.
I’ve never bothered to set up an emulator on my phone but it’s a great idea, any recommendations in particular?
GameBoy Advance games work really well IMO, they’re designed for small screens and lengthening aspect ratios leave tons of space for virtual buttons.
FF Tactics Advance is one I return to fairly often.
Advance Wars is awesome. I played it only on mobile 😅
I don’t think I’ve mobile gamed without emulators for like 4 or 5 gens of phones now. I was a young man back in those days…
I’m on iOS and actually pay for Apple Arcade. It’s been worth it. I don’t bother looking anywhere else for mobile games anymore.
Monument valley is pretty good and has no ads or micro transactions
I’ve rather enjoyed 20 Minutes Till Dawn
I’ve only played it on PC but I like this quite a bit as well
Swordigo is the single decent mobile game. Still, I didn’t expect to see it already mentioned. Neat!
I’ve been playing half life using xash3D for this very reason. People are on multiplayer all the time, counter strike has players too. I’m really hoping to find people playing team fortress sometime.
Slice and Dice is a good rogue-like dice builder with no bullshit.
No ads. No DLC - there’s a demo game and full version. And the mechanics are solid with no grindy bits.
Great game!
Absolutly love this game, great replayability.
I have just discovered Card quest which is taking up a lot of my spare time at the moment.
Le Parker is my favorite side scrolling platformer on mobile that no one knows about.
Not on the App Store in the US but thank you for sharing. Hopefully android masterrace can enjoy it.
I enjoyed both Monument Valleys, the Room series, and Downwell.
If you have a rooted phone, an older android version, or the ability to access the android/data folder to move files around, I hear some pvz2 mods are pretty good. Only ones I can personally say are good are Refloureshed and Eclise, though it’s been a long time since I’ve played Eclise. Both are harder versions of vanilla.
Into the Breach.
Free if you have a Netflix subscription: https://www.reddit.com/r/IntoTheBreach/comments/w2y3ep/into_the_breach_is_now_available_on_ios_and/
Wordscapes dont know if anyone said it
I Love Hue, both 1 and 2