• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • One of the problems Epic has is that it is only a store front. Steam is a fully featured platform.

    Epic, in their lawsuit, wants to break Steam’s store and platform into separate applications, so they can compete.

    Sort of like how people want to have different app stores on their iphones.

    Difference is: Steam has no restrictions in the first place. You can add non-Steam games to the client if you want. You can use Proton if you want.

    Steam offers all of these features for free. What is the point in breaking them apart.

  • Isn’t this the same argument as “if women can’t have abortions, they will stop having sex”?

    Nobody gets married under the assumption they will get divorced. Marriage is supposed to be a gesture of a life long commitment.

    On top of that, there are financial benefits to getting married.

    I highly doubt this would stop anyone from getting married.

    People should stop getting married because it’s a government contract based in religion - it’s gross and I don’t want either of those things being involved in my relationships.

  • I’m still waiting for my proposal regarding instant orgasm to be classified as sexual assault regardless of whichever animal it’s cast on.

    I don’t care how hard it is to breed Panda’s, we can’t just make them nut on command.

    I’m not pointing fingers here, we’ve all made our pets seize on the ground for a good twenty minutes or so while we finish the latest episode of Keeping Up with Prostatulus uninteruppted, but we’ve got to do something to stop the fucking apprentices from doing it for shits and giggles, it’s pretty sick when you stop to think about it.

    At a bare minimum limit the orgasms to one minute, and necessitate a bodily fluid retention spell. I’m tired of stepping over the puddles when sneaking out the newbloods quarters.