I will not open that link. I will not open that link. I will not open that link.
I did open that link.
I think I don’t want YouTube to recommend this video to me or anyone else at home. Could you tell the internet what it is?
It’s just vtuber shit.
The Internet thanks you for your service.
wish I read your comment before clicking the link, now i’ll have to click “don’t recommend this channel” 300 times before the algorithm gets the hint
As some unidentified doctors played fruit ninja on my eggplant when I was born, this upgrade is not available for my character.
I was always a fan of charged shot, I find it makes the shield easier to use offensively while not compromising on the defensive nature of the aspect. The bull rush I always found to be a bit cumbersome, with the potential to leave the opponent later out of position and therefore vulnerable to attacks from different angles.
Would have been too OP, they nerfed me at birth.
What power up do I need to get my foreskin back? 😥😥😥
You need to defeat Penis Man
It’s apparently doable, I just can’t imagine putting in the effort.
There’s like a thing you put on that slowly stretches your skin out over time.
Never done it but I saw pictures and decided not to.
I started the process once, and it worked very quickly.
As a side effect, my dick got thicker. GF at the time loved it.
I didn’t continue though because I’m lazy.
Yeah same here. Like, if I could take a pill or something I’d be down. I ain’t trying to bring plastic and rubber into the equation.
They didn’t let you take yours home?
No, I can’t ✂️🩸🍆 👶💦
Nah, it was more of a snip.
You sacrificed power for aerodynamics
Can confirm this, discovered it a few years ago
I’d have to find it first but it’s (a) like incinerated and, if not, (b) has been decomposing for more than 40 years and I doubt works well as a pressure vessel.
I’m too american to understand this.
👮 FUN POLICE HERE 👮 you should actually be careful doing this, because it can cause backflow into your bladder, leading to infections
How would that work?
It’s not my job to explain hydraulics to you
For backflow you would need a higher pressure in the small reservoir. You would at best get equal pressure in both reservoirs unless you actively try to squeeze it back in.
that or no pressure differential, and turbulence in the fluid causing possible bacteria and shit to makes its way back in. It’s unlikely, but not impossible.
Pressure depends on muscle tension. When you relax, the pressure inside the bladder drops. The prostate sphincter is already relaxed open and the outside pressure temporarily exceeds internal pressure. This leads to backflow and can introduce bacteria into the urethra and bladder. Not fun times ensue.
I honestly hadn’t given it this much thought lol, but there are muscles and elasticity involved which I imagine has something to do with it? I’m just relaying the advice of doctors tbh!
What did you do to get in a position where your doctor thought it was necessary to give you that advice?
Fired charged shots, obviously
God damn acab I swear
Sounds like circumcision propaganda to me.
Or CP, for short? I’m tired of all this CP on Lemmy! Let me pee in peace!
Damn. The foreskin police ruining all the fun.
(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻
It’s not illegal, you can do it all day.
just know that this takes more ammo than normal
The hard part is aiming
It does AOE splash damage
Shotgun alt shot
RIP bathroom scales!
Man I wish
Man, Nintendo Power magazine sure has changed from when I was a kid