• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • My parents have long since passed on, so it’s not even possible. I may end up living with my daughter later down the line. I’m SO single and solitary (by choice) that I’m concerned about going all dementia/stroke/heart attack later on with nobody to tend to me, so I’ll likely lean on her when I’m in my mid to late sixties or so.

    She’s getting everything I own, and I should have reasonable retirement funds, so it’s not like I’m going to rely on her financially.

    My big mistake was fucking up on getting myself long term care, which I no longer can do unless I get a new job. My employer and I mutually fucked that up when I started at my current job.

    Fun quotes from my daughter, around age ten or eleven: “You’re going to be the cranky old man that we grudgingly take on vacation with us.” and “You can always live in my basement.”

    And yes, we have discussed this topic. I’m not unilaterally just saying this on the Internet.

  • I’ve already had this talk with my daughter. I’m not presently ill or anything, but I see this as the new American version of estate planning.

    Somehow, I’ve managed to build up a few meager assets to leave to my daughter and I’ll be damned if I let American healthcare take it all.

    (And please refrain from bringing up misinformed statements on estate tax. I’m a tax accountant. I’m more astute on that stuff than most of the population, and my little pile of shiny trinkets is well below any threshold for any of that to kick in)

  • There’s a reggae album out of Jamaica by Romain Virgo with a song called “I’m doin good”

    In that song is the line, “may not be able to buy what vegetarians cook but I’m doin good”

    The album is from 2010. The first time I heard that song was my first realization that vegetarianism can be difficult as I’d recently been to Jamaica, and they do love them some vegetarianism. It hadn’t occurred to me that maybe some of them wanted to be vegetarian but weren’t able.

  • Product - use daily

    Language - speak English, Spanish, and Korean, though the latter two are admittedly falling off from lack of use. Lived overseas for four years in my twenties

    Collared shirts - wear daily, but I’d guess that’s not goth chick bait

    Dancing - was religiously prohibited from such growing up and never took an interest in it

    Personal skill - I can cook like a motherfucker. Like really good stuff. If I believed in love languages, mine would be feeding others. The women in my office make weekly requests for me to cook whatever they’re craving over the weekend and bring it in on Monday.

    But I’m talking about energy. Gomez spends his entire existence striving toward being Morticia’s everything. I don’t have enough gas in the tank after seventy or eighty hours of getting yelled at for my income.

    Next up, since everything is so easy, I guess I just simply waltz into another job, right?

  • Gomez lives off generational wealth and thus spends his time culturing himself with dance, art, and seductive languages.

    I work until it’s not safe to drive home because I’m so tired and my eyes don’t work. I crawl home on surface streets, collapse into bed for a brief nap, and get up to go do it again because the man needs his dollar.

    My spirit may be willing, but my flesh is spongy and bruised.