Good work is being done and I hope more and more games start to get native support as well.
That’s cool games thar require anti cheat measures or have sports are generally speaking games I’m not interested in as a rule.
My beef is with the machine.
Hell yea brother!
“We need kernel access to prevent cheaters from ruining our game” is the dating equivalent to a guy asking for your phone password on the first date.
sudo give me your phone password
It’s not even that. I have zero interest in multilayer games even less so “seasonal” games. Basically all the stuff AAA says is dead I like and all the stuff they say I should like I dislike
The season nomenclature is fucking stupid and I hate it. If a game makes its DLC or quarterly updates and calls them “Seasons” I am revolted.
I will say that in general I also agree, but there are games where I have been completely okay with it, like DRG. But those updates are always free and really just define (formerly) time period in which a long-term event is contained within. I do love that the latest season is really more of a chapter than a season since you can pick and choose whenever you want to jump into whichever season you want to play and progress through. Only seasonal events have time constraints now.
This is particularly nice since my DRG group has moved to playing Grounded instead, with the occasional DRG night and don’t want to feel tethered to a release schedule.
This is what made Clash of Clans alien to me.
More like asking for access to your email and keys and phone pin code, or (if people have it) their password wallet, to make sure you aren’t hooking up with other guys on the side.
Just as crazy
I would never install a rootkit on my system to play a video game anyway.
I’m quite sad as a VR and HDR gamer because I really do want to switch. I have a steam deck, it works great for flatscreen gaming, but general HDR support across the linux ecosystem is apparently lacking and my headset manufacturer told me that they don’t support linux and couldn’t until the VR ecosystem they rely on supports it
I’m all up in that VR and sad the way it’s been treated.
Except a lot of anti cheat now supports Linux. Destiny 2 doesn’t run on Linux only because Bungie refuses to allow it, their AC supports Linux just fine now
there is also other games that dont run on linux
Roblox (sober works which is a workaround),Fortnite (Tim Sweeney hates linux from what i heard),and more
But the steam deck really disproves the notion that Linux can’t run these games. The companies that make them choose not to support Linux, and in that way its not really Linux’s fault that the games don’t work.
Exactly this, the community has proven it will put the effort to make it work, and a lot of things that don’t still are because the companies resist it intentionally
true but ngl linux has a low market share but its slowly growing tho
Unfortunately there is a lack of awareness how Microsoft treats Windows for desktop PCs and notebooks and how the future strategy looks like. Otherwise many people would move away faster.
Hmm how about the non tech savvy
They should listen to the tech savvy.
Yeah and thats a good argument for not supporting Linux. It doesn’t make sense to support a platform that you don’t have any players on.
In hopeful that Valve will jeep improving the Linux gaming experience, and then we will hit critical mass and a lot of gamers will be demanding Linux support.
Probably not, but one can hope :)
see also:
Personally haven’t encountered a game that wouldn’t run, so as far as I’m concerned it runs anything. I’m not going to shed any tears over Fortnite.
Weirdly enough, the only game I tried to play that didn’t run was this random Indy game. Didn’t even have fancy graphics, it was one step up from macromedia flash games
The AAA games I’ve played are fine on Linux. Baulders Gate, No Mans Sky, Fallout 76, Cyberpunk 2077, Crusader Kings III.
It’s just too bad that Riot seems so inherently against supporting Linux. I still enjoy playing ARAMs for watching YouTube on the side and the occasional Val session. Obviously for Val I can just boot over but I do play league about daily.
Inb4 “just don’t play league, it’s bad anyway” yeah thanks, solid solution
Val was one of the reasons I still dual boot Win10 (plus VR gaming), but now that it released on PS5, I’d rather just relearn the game for controller.
The good thing about Valorant is you can just play (the better) Counter Strike instead and it doesn’t try to install a rootkit. I guess for LoL you could play one of the alternatives too, but I don’t know if any if them are good. They aren’t my thing.
am I wrong in thinking it’s as easy as “encrypt your drives, keep two partitions, and boot into windows when you need to play something with a kernel anticheat” ?
It should be, but I’ve had too many issues with windows somehow updating and ruining my boot partion/grub.
If I want to run windows, I only run it on a VM with hardware passthrough or on a totally different machine since physically unseating my Linux M.2 from the motherboard is too much hassle and I don’t want to move it to a PCIe card.
For the vast majority of people, that isn’t easy at all.
yeah but that’s just a usability problem that a guided installer wizard could fix
especially if all those windows dual booting experiences from over 10 years ago which is now misinformation wasn’t kept commented like every time someone brings up dual booting
It is simple but not convenient. I don’t want to dual boot. I’d rather not play the game at all if that is my only option.
Steam deck has entered the chat.
Legit Steam Deck has me almost convinced to switch my desktop to Linux
I’m buying a new laptop to test out a Linux environment and make sure all my shit works and everything is backed up, then I’ll port it to my desktop.
It successfully convinced me to switch over.
I don’t even own one and it convinced me.
I still rely on Windows for a few important things (namely a Club Penguin Singleplayer Client that I’m not sure works on Linux), but I absolutely will switch to Linux as soon as I’m fully ready to take the leap.
Debian seems like a nice distro (am I the only one who calls it “deebian”?)
what’s the club penguin client called?
Only way to find out is to try it. Something like Club Penguin shouldn’t give you much trouble especially if you use a launcher like Lutris.
If it’s not open source then it’s an advertisement not an esport
If someone goes to host a tournament and they can’t choose the patch or modify it then it’s not an even playing field between organizers. Think like 2 people go to host on consecutive weekends and there’s a patch between them now the person who hosted first has an unfair advantage in game quality as the players know how to play it
Also if the studio/publisher is hosting an event it’s just an advertisement
What? So if a sports federation changes the rules all independently organized events are disadvantaged? By that logic the Olympics are just an advertisement for the sports not a competition, as the federation usually don’t change rules 6 months prior.
Nope, the leagues are allowed to have different rules
Sports are open source, for instance not every football competition has to use blue cards or a competition made a patch to use blue cards…depending how you want to view it
The “quit having fun” meme is ironically becoming as cringey as the thing it is originally complaining about.
You will help the community more by telling non-Linux people why Linux gaming is better, and this meme is doing the exact opposite of it – “oh Linux can’t play some games, yada yada. But we are still better! Switch over!” – like what’s the logic of it?
What’s the purpose of this meme other than circlejerking?
Disclamer: I am a Linux user myself, started with Debian and is now using Arch Linux.
I will share some advantages I experienced in Linux gaming:
Alt-tabbing old fullscreened games won’t mess with my monitor.
The compatibility of Wine when it comes to some older games is wild. SimCity 4 actually crashed less when I played it on Linux.
Better performance across the board. Granted it’s just a mere 5% difference but I will take it, why not.
Linux’s main selling point has become “It’s not Windows”. That was a boring line five years ago, but Microsoft has eagerly been trying to invent new ways to make their flagship OS worse and worse.
This meme is a cringe within cringe. The original situation is unbearable and the meme itself too. Quit laughing.
I have absolutely no problem gaming on Linux. I do have a problem with Rusty’s Retirement not letting me use my desktop while the game runs though. Nothing I can do about that one.
FreeDoom and KPatience forever!
Love me some FreeDoom.
And you can run it on a used postage stamp! (Something, something Arch)
I remember playing Doom under DOS and being mesmerized by the game. And I still am to this very day. I morn the day I discovered my original Doom .WADs went missing.
I remember seeing someone in a comments section say why bother use linux for gaming bro got destroyed by the replies lol he also called linux users ekittens 💀
Can’t play league on linux
Actually a good thing
I am slowly chugging through the weird issues I have with trying to use Bazzite as my primary OS, but it will replace my Windows install soon, I can feel it. I still miss HDR, but my newest and most inconvenient issue is that Firefox just keeps crashing as soon as it launches now. No luck fixing it so far, and I installed Edge just to have a working browser.
deep rock galactic, stardew valley, and minecraft work on linux.
what more could you possibly need?
Not to mention Terraria and Don’t Starve (and many more).
Project Zomboid too!!