Reminds me of my father. He’s up super early, like 4 am, and to him 7 am is perfectly late enough to run the wood planer on a weekend day.
Lawns are one of the stupidest things Americans obsess about.
There is no mention of lawns in the post. Is this maybe supposed to be a response in one of the comment threads?
My guess is lawn mowers at the crack of dawn. That’s mostly the noise I wake up to. Gotta beat the heat…
I swear my upstairs neighbors have bowling balls where other people have feet.
I’ve never seen a video THIS relatable.
I have a rule that if my noise a problem for someone they will come and let me know and I will stop it immediately.
It hasn’t happened yet.
You sound like a shit neighbor then. Just be considerate of others.
It’s not my job to think constantly if my every minor single action can offend or inconvenience someone. Cmon that would be insane
If someone has a problem with my pyjama outdoors then they can tell me and I probably will consider it for a while like a second and then idk get a notification and forget probably if I am being honest. But I tried to take it into consideration your valuable opinion on my outfit. I really did try. It’s called living in a society, we need to care
Honestly grow up
I think you can find a middle ground between “I assume they’d come and politely discuss it” and “I think constantly whether my every single minor action can offend someone”.
Your rule is based on ignorance then. Be kinder
I disagree. It’s the only sane way of thinking.
Being kind isn’t difficult, have a good day.
Are you saying you perform zero mental calculus to determine these sorts of things? You do not consider laws, social norms, or even morals? Where do you draw the line? If there is a literal community fruit tree at a park near your house, would you take all the fruits until people ask you to leave some for them? If you are driving home and you see a house with a beautiful garden, would you stop and steal some of the plants because the resident should tell you not to? Would you practice your guitar at 3am with an amp because, who knows, maybe your neighbors actually enjoy it or maybe they sleep with earplugs and since you had a great musical idea at 3am, you should “be bold” and “take what’s yours” and they should tell you 3am is a stupid time to play guitar with an amp?
Did you also say you live in a homogeneous community of somewhat assholes and you think you’re being bold by also being an asshole?
I would do all these things and probably wouldn’t even blink and forget about it few hours later.
In fact I have done such petty stuff innumerable amount of times and worse. People say you can’t sleep or something. Bullshit, the key is to wake up early.
Don’t even make me tell you about things I do when I was not sober. Though I don’t drink anymore cause it is unhealthy. I got lots of funny stories and insane tales. Good times.
Honestly only through internet I realized most people are built different. I don’t know if it is cultural difference or something else but you are all so alien to me. It’s fascinating. I for example was like that as far back as I can remember and even worse. Much worse. Nowadays I am an all cute goodie good. Age has softened me. I am really agreeable nowadays. I even make a point to be nice to people.
Should have seen me 15 years ago. You would probably be robbed out of your alcohol by me back then as It was my favourite trophy. I haven’t stolen a thing since 5 years, do you know how boring that can be? It’s almost insufferable.But no I am in a good citizen timeline now. Queer, wholesome lady artist is my current occupation.
You might want to talk to a therapist because that is not a “cultural” difference.
But if you don’t care that other people around you think you’re an asshole even if they’re not coming up to you and saying it, then there’s nothing anyone can say.
Or maybe they just don’t want to take the risk?
Haha I am so intimidating brr scary. In my country we haven’t reached this level of paranoia yet
I live in a safe area (not in the US), I know most of my neighbours at least somewhat but I wouldn’t ever confront them directly because I don’t know who’s on the other side of the door and how they deal with confrontation. It only takes one asshole to put me in the hospital because I dared tell them they were being too loud, even if 99% of my neighbours are sweet and caring.
So you’re an asshole that also likes attention and confrontation
I go through my life trying to be quiet so as not to disturb others.
This is a loser way, it puts you at a huge disadvantage. Go loud ablaze with guns smoking.
Ive often contemplated replacing the muffler on my rider with one designed for a passenger car
What time is polite on the ‘weekend’?
10am and later, I think
That is overly polite in my opinion. I’m happy to fire up the lawn mower after 9am.
Here in the Texas summer it’s about seven in the morning. Annoying, but everybody realizes that if you go out any later, you’re gonna die of heat stroke.
i used to work at a customer service call centre, we had a rule against making outbound calls before 9am
The people across the street were grinding tree stumps at 8am Sunday last week. I yelled out the window but it didn’t work. They were done and gone by 10, which is when they should have started.
8AM seems perfectly responsible time to start to me. I don’t know about your area but 10AM is when the heat starts around here.
My neighbors consistently party until about five in the morning with outdoor speakers on the weekends. I’m generally up for the day before they’re done with last night, and I get to enjoy free concerts from their sound system.
You’re God damned right I’ve zero qualms about firing up the lawn mower as soon as the sun breaks the eastern horizon.
We have neighbours a couple houses down that occasionally like to have people over in their loud echo-ey metal fence+patio back yard and chop their firepit wood every hour or so when they run out, sometimes well after midnight. I do not think they realise how far that sound carries through the night and dont have the foresight to chop during the afternoon beforehand.
Have you tried being a good neighbor and letting them know their loud parties are causing you harm?
Because otherwise you’re tacitly telling them it’s fine.
I went over once when they were shooting off commercial grade fireworks on a Wednesday night and feel lucky to have escaped alive. The young bulls got threatening with me until the older guy came out and spoke reason. It’s just a product of where I live.
Have you tried being a good neighbor and letting them know their loud parties are causing you harm?
Just tried that last week and I will never directly contact people like that again.
All it got me was an angry neighbor who now turns their shit up louder than it was before as they drive by my house.
I guess I’ll just resort to fucking with their vehicle in the future.
You can’t reason with some people.
Pro-tip: make an effort to interact with your neighbors *before* this situation so they know you as more than a stuffy Karen.
10am is my personal cut off. I won’t mow the lawn or do anything loud until after then. My kids on the other hand are the wildcard.
I’ll run my electric lawnmower earlier than I will a gas one.
Mines electric but I’d still consider it loud enough to disturb people
Mine isn’t much louder than a typical SUV going 35mph down the street outside my house, if at all.
The town I live in has a railroad track running right down the middle, and at least two trains go by everyday (technically the same one going back and forth), is often overflown by military helicopters and we often hear artillery practice from the local army base rattling our windows. Combine this with the fact that a lot of my neighbors work odd hours, there isn’t a time of day to run a lawnmower when someone isn’t trying to sleep.
Are you one of those damn night people complaining about us morning people getting on with stuff in the limited time window we have?
When I am doing stuff at night I try to be as quiet as possible. The morning people could follow this until 11 am.
Depending on location, it’s too freaking hot to be doing yard work anytime past 11 in the summer months. 9 - 11am is usually when I get my shit done.
Then again, with my neighbors have a similar work schedule to me, so I guess I’m not bothering anyone.
But we won’t because 11am is unreasonable. That’s a third of the day wasted.
You’re not an owl. Go to bed earlier.
Exactly! All those hospital workers on the night shift can go without sleep.
Hospital workers aren’t the ones making noise late into the night and expecting everyone else to be quiet in the morning so they can have a lie in though, are they?
A lot of us work at night. My bed time is 8am. Why exactly do you deserve sleep more than I do just because I’m on a different equally necessary schedule?
I’m not suggesting anyone is any more worthy of sleep than anyone else, and yes working a night shift does put you at a massive disadvantage. My wife worked night shifts for a few years, so yeah, I know.
What I am saying is that (and this is purely a guess) ~90% of the world are awake during daylight hours, and you just can’t expect them to put a hold on everything.
Personally I try not to do anything outdoors until 9am at the weekend, not because my neighbours work nights, or are night owls, or whatever. Just because I live near people. But at the same time I have kids and things to do.
But anyone being disruptive in a neighbourhood between 10pm and 8am (let’s say 9am at the weekend) should be punishable by death. And my country doesn’t even have capital punishment.
What’d he do?
Leaf blowing for 2 straight hours when it’s still mid summer and there are no leaves on the ground.
It doesn’t excuse it, but sometimes you just gotta take drastic measures to drown out the intrusive thoughts… Or maybe covering up someone being tortured in the basement?
He burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and delivered a plague unto our houses
To be fair, doing my work around the house after worktime at 7PM weekdays is also not going to be very popular.
Having to raise tv-computer volume vs not being able to sleep. I know my choice
I’ll take 8pm vacuuming over 8am vacuuming any day
Just my cope after an absurdly noisy morning :) happy weekend, everyone.
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Because a two-stroke engine that is more polluting than a full size SUV many times over making a lot of noise and releasing a lot of byproduct poisons into the air is vastly preferable to using a fucking rake. I think some boomers and junior boomers like the fact that they’re being noisy.
Nu-Mad Max 3: Boomers doing the War Boyz “witness me” bit with riding lawnmowers, weed eaters, and mayonaise.
Depends on what time, for me
After about 10am is pretty fair game if a noisy job needs doing IMO. If it’s music and not obnoxiously loud, that’s probably fine too
Anyone making any noise before that though absolutely should get in the sea
10 am is way too late where I live. It’ll be >90 by then, and that’s a great way to get hear stroke. Most people in my neighborhood are out by 730 working.
Back in CA, there was a total , appearance and all, that’d roll down the street in a golf cart with a massive sound system filling the entire rear behind his seat, and he’d blast out absolute trash dadrock with huge floor-shaking subwoofers, and do it all with this empty gammon grin behind his wrap-around polarized sunglasses, going back and forth at least twice a week around the same time.
He was still not as divorced as though.