Is a very broad question I know. But I realized that aside the things that liked as a kid (videogames and listening music) I gave up on everything else or failed in other things. I gave up on going to the gym, gave up trying to learn how to play a guitar, i gave up on having a YouTube channel, if I fail the theory exam of my driving licence I think I won’t try again, shit I gave up on having a social life… And so on. Is that normal in your opinion?
I recognize them too. It’s that person who bemoans everything about themselves and their life, then argues with or dismisses every comment that’s offering advice or trying to help. I hope they seek professional help eventually. What is this, the third or fourth account by now?
Exacty that. I’d agree: about 3 or 4 accounts, judging by what I read. Often got some genuine and constructive answers… Never listening and predetermined that everything is futile and set on dragging themself down. Dismissing every help and then posting the same question again, a few days later. This time the post is a bit different, though.
Stop trying to calling me a ill person, it’s not ok.