Is a very broad question I know. But I realized that aside the things that liked as a kid (videogames and listening music) I gave up on everything else or failed in other things. I gave up on going to the gym, gave up trying to learn how to play a guitar, i gave up on having a YouTube channel, if I fail the theory exam of my driving licence I think I won’t try again, shit I gave up on having a social life… And so on. Is that normal in your opinion?

    5 months ago

    If its something that you do for your own enjoyment and fun, its totaly okay to just leave it be, if you don’t like it.

    If its something that you do to better yourself, I think it’s different and you should sometimes stick with it to see an outcome. Something that might give you better job opportunities, that makes you healthier, that makes you a better person, that makes your life easier or better if you stick it.

    Don’t give up on everything, because humans need to develop themselves, they need to grow and learn. If you just stop where you are and give up on any personal growth you will be unhappy with yourself and your life one day.

    Think of your future self before quiting something and what that activity could do for future you.