Mine is video games. Like, I’ve sworn to myself that I was going to cling to that until at least 10 or 15 years while I still have the cognitive ability to play them. But it’s mid-30s and they say the 30s is generally where your love for video games go to die unless you’re in the industry or having some working part involving games.
I’m having a harder time picking up a controller and getting excited for any game. I know I’m isolated by choice which is part of the problem, but, I can’t even get that worked up for nostalgic games that I grew up with.
If you are on console I can see why there is no excitement for video games. But on Steam especially with a steam deck the indies are fantastic. Animal Well was my personal game of the year. The other aspect is on PC they keep throwing games at me for free between GoG and Epic I have over 800 games without paying a dime not all of them are winners but you can’t beat the price.
Man I’m in my mid 30s and really loving gaming more these days. Lots of independent shit that’s had me hooked.
In the past few years I fell away from cars/motorcycles (building, racing, etc) and am loving sitting on the couch at home. It’s a stark contrast and has been a lot of therapy time, but I did it for years while not enjoying it. I think my takeaway is leaning into what I want and away from what I don’t
We are truly in an indie golden era. So many indie games are coming out with the quality I expect from AAA games. Project Wingman is a good example
If you ever feel burned out from gaming, get a steam deck. It helped me, and probably will help you too.
Probably not a good idea to spend $400 in a piece of hardware OP probably won’t use it they’re not into gaming anymore.
You can always sell it if you end up not using it.
To be fair, the video games industry has turned into a myopic late-stage capitalist hellscape, so I think it’s kinda hard to continue to love what’s on offer these days
I’m in my 30s but I think this is the real reason why I’ve quit playing games as half the big games out there are sequels of games that first came out 20+ years ago.
I disagree. There are still tons of games available that are amazing and aren’t developed by companies that enable shitty behavior and decision making, but you definitely have to shift through the chaff to find them.
I started playing chess on lichess, it has tonnes of tutorials and an AI you can set the level of. Really helped scratch my itch.
I find that this is mostly a AAA-title thing.
Sorry I totally agree with that caveat! I grew up in the ps1/2 golden era and didn’t really get into indie games back when I was into gaming.
Yeah, the Indie-Market is at its peak. I don’t care about any of the large titles/licenses, but there are a lot of gems out there
Yeah it’s actually an incredible time to be an enjoyer of games if you ignore that AAA+ space. If you look at the “III” space (or mid sized dev studios putting out mid level games) it’s kind of where many of the “big” game dev shops were at in the 90-00s.
So if you miss the popular games of this era, then you should be looking at studios that operate at a similar size/ethos. Indies, in other words.
That’s where those games are now. The good games.
This right here. I’m getting more and more disillusioned with my consoles, more into indies, and way into retro. I’m currently working on a self-contained arcade stick with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W in it that will have USB and HDMI on the outside so I can teach my 12-year-old stepson what it’s like to get his ass beaten in Street Fighter II.
I also got us a Retron 3 HD and I regularly scour the local retro shops for good NES/SNES/Genesis games. He’s currently obsessed with Dragon Warrior 1.
Please do share the instructions once you get it up and running.
In case I forget, I can give you the gist (all the extension cords are internal just to get the jacks exposed outside the case):
Main hardware:
- HORI Fighting Stick Alpha (Xbox version)
- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with RetroPie pre-built image on a 32 GB microSD
- custom 3D printed port bracket (printing a test of this right now)
- I might need to print some internal structures too, but for now I’m just going to jam it all in there.
- Raspberry Pi PiSwitch for power on/off (USB C version for modernness’ sake)
- USB C to micro USB adapter
- USB C extension cord
- mini HDMI to HDMI right-angle adapter
- HDMI extension cord
Control (waiting for these to arrive):
- USB OTG micro->USB A right-angle adapter
- Plugable USB splitter cable (for the joystick to plug into internally plus to run an extra jack to the outside for player 2)
- USB extension cord
Basically that particular fight stick opens very neatly and includes a decent amount of open space where the Pi Zero can fit along with a big (~7x120mm) slot out the front that the cable goes out. Once I get all the right cables run, it should be easy peasy. The 3D printed part is mostly to keep it from just having three little cable jacks hanging loose out the front, but if you’re not a neat freak, you can get it done with 2-3 online orders and an afternoon.
What a cracking summary! Thanks.
Mine is biking, it was very hot for a few weeks, and so i stopped, but now that it’s getting to be the fall and perfect biking weather… i can’t. They found a cyst aggressively growing inside my jaw and i have lost 1/3 of my jaw bone mass. The surgeon installed a marsupialization and said it will take me 10 months to grow the bone back…assuming it even can. In the mean time, the surgeon is afraid of me even eating chicken, let alone doing anything that could have me fall.
I recognize and sympathize with the energy of this comment. I have also had a medical setback recently that is making it really hard for me to exercise. I had a tumor removed and they took my thyroid out with it, and something is not right with the replacement meds. It is tough to make people understand just how awful it can be to feel exhausted and irritable and confused every single day. What happened to you sucks, and it isn’t fair, and it’s okay to not be okay with it. For what it’s worth, I hope your bone does grow back.
I know I play video games much less now, but it is not because of the lack of interest, just time and energy.
Always hesitated to start playing when all I can think about are my responsibilities. The one time I tried playing the new Stardew Valley-like game, I Loved it but also not, because it was suddenly 3 AM on Monday 🥲
If I suddenly have 1 million in my bank account, I’m sure I’ll find my passion for video games back hah
There are many games that I still can’t wait to play and I’m in my mid 30s too. Then again, I care more about story and characters than (fast-paced) gameplay so maybe that’s why?
The sad reality of adulthood. It’s so hard to get properly immersed in a good story unless you have several straight hours to spare, and those are hard to come by.
Just turned 40 and I hardly ever game. I have returned to a hobby that I had as a kid but super charged it. I loved electronics as a kid, building and taking things apart. Now I am into 3D printing, home automation, electronics. Lately I have been building sensors and devices that combine all my hobbies. I have over 40 EspHome devices in my house and 25 WLED controlled lights and lamps. Had to upgrade my wifi APs to handle to load.
I love restoring old consoles and gaming things but I just can’t get myself to use the consoles I repair. But I did restore my old GBA SP with an upgraded screen and battery and have occasionally played some FF Tactics on it.
Environmental/political activism. I used to be pretty active in local groups. When I had kids, I bowed out to help my spouse. Now that I have time again, I feel unmotivated - news is just so damn depressing.
Mine is video games.
I’m 40 and I’m gaming now more than I ever have before!
Granted, part of that is because I’m retired young and have all the time in the world. But another part of that is because I made a small Discord server with a few close friends from my high school days. It’s how we stay in touch, since we’ve all moved away since childhood.
We game online every Monday and/or Tuesday evening. It gives us time to talk and catch up through Discord while also playing some fun online multiplayer games together. The rest of the week, we share news, memes, videos, and other text discussion through various channels I’ve set up in Discord.
I’ve never heard of anyone losing their love for video games as they get older. If anything, continuing to play games later in life will help keep your cognitive functions strong. Remember the Skyrim grandma? She’s still going strong in her late 80s. It’s never too late to get into gaming again.
3D Printing: By the time I get home, I just don’t have it in me to tinker around.
Who says you stop playing video games in your 30s? I’ve never heard that and it’s not true. If you like games, the number of years you’ve been alive won’t change that. You also seem to be expecting some serious reduction in cognitive ability at an early age. Go and play Stray and Inside. I challenge you not to enjoy them.
Totally! So videogames didn’t exist a 100 years ago, much less 10,000 years ago, the rules aren’t written yetand there is no evolutionary reason to think by 30s you can’t. Do whatever you want and challenge yourself often
I used to love writing little short stories and whatnot as a cathartic emotional outlet, but over the past couple years I just… haven’t. I think it’s coupled with my decrease in reading, since a good, well written book usually inspired me, but I just haven’t been reading like I used to either. I keep telling myself I’m going to get back into both, but that hasn’t happened yet.
Mine is Magic: The Gathering, except I fully realize that I am pulling away from it and why.
The game sparked an immense amount of joy when I picked it up in high school. Now I barely recognize the game anymore. It doesn’t truly have an identity of its own and exists in this permanent state of limbo where 3rd party IPs are taking over the demand for new product and the rules are becoming so bloated that they can’t fit them on cards anymore.
This is such an “old man yelling at clouds” moment for me, because I heard just about every reason under the sun for why people quit the game when I was playing from power creep to changing art styles to just getting priced out of the hobby in general. I realize now that those people were not wrong, they were just not the target audience anymore. I am no longer a profitable demographic to pander to. I never buy packs anymore, and I’ve even stopped buying singles and I don’t attend tournaments or collect anymore, so why would Hasbro/WotC make products for me? Especially when there are deep pocketed whales out there who will pay top dollar for their favorite crossover set, no matter how silly or out of place it might seem.
I wish I could enjoy the game the way I used to, but I just can’t be bothered to hop back in when it doesn’t feel the same anymore.
I’m 51 and I still play every day. PoE and Destiny 2 at the moment.
I would have said video games, because I used to play maybe once a month or two, but during times of high stress being able to pick up a controller and play an old favourite has been a real balm.