There’s no entertainment on BET
Sometimes I can get the weather forecast on The Weather Channel.
Under capitalism, when you have the perfect product the only way to continue to increase profits is to make cheaper and shittier
What are these, tv channels ? youtube ? they seem badly named
Learning on The Learning Channel (TLC)
That still breaks my heart. There used to be really good shows on that channel.
my 600lb life
Don’t remind me. My wife loves that show. The enablers on that show… sheesh. STOP FUCKING BRINGING HIM PLATES OF FRIED FOOD YOU MORONS!!! /rant.
Reminds of an observation my dad made once about how neighborhoods are named after what had to cleared away to build there. Oakwoods. Rolling hills. Pleasent view. Etc etc
Nickelodeon wasn’t actually a movie theater that cost a nickel per show.
Fox isn’t owned or operated by foxes.
ABC is not gum that has already been chewed.
Thank God for Cartoon Network.
There used to be. Turns out you can make more money with reality TV.
Only temporarily which is why nobody has cable anymore.
Cable was only good when broadcast TV was the alternative. Today it’s entirely obsolete
Which reminds me. Reality TV isn’t real.
And Beyond 2000 stopped airing in 1999
This is now classic stoner chat.
This dude took it for a spin over a decade ago…
So I’m supposed to know about an article that was written a decade ago. It’s a joke, relax.
They use to say television rots the brain, but now it’s clear that television just rots.
There is no socialism on social media
And there is no queen of England
But there are letters on ABC.
Checkmate, atheists.
Because of capitalism. Because all content must drive quarterly profit ever-higher.
Meanwhile, public broadcasting (PBS) is still putting out great content for families regardless of profitability.