Please forgive my wack ass microscope

    17 days ago

    You’re confusing stability with resilience, the plant is resilient not stable. Monocrops are stable, that’s why they can be wiped out by a single disease, there is no resilience to adapt and continue breeding and stay alive.

    A stable plant wouldn’t start revegging because it got some more sunlight, that’s the inherent characteristic of cannabis because of its resilience.

      17 days ago

      I’m really not.

      Genotype can be extremely stable and produce wildly varying phenotypes.

      However, if a phenotype is extremely stable, pretty much the genome has to be as well.

      And just aside from what I meant.

      Monocrops aren’t necessarily genetically stable just because they only have one genome. It can be a shit genome.

      A stable plant wouldn’t start revegging because it got some more sunlight, that’s the inherent characteristic of cannabis because of its resilience.

      Did you have a stroke or something? Or are you just pretending to understand a thing well, when in reality, you don’t really know that much? Because I’m rather sure it’s the latter.

      Again, a stable genotype doesn’t mean it’s a good genotype.

      For instance let’s imagine a person. Let’s imagine this person has absolutely zero relatives who don’t have dark hair.

      Their genome is stable. It might be bad and incestuous, but the genome is rather stable.

      If there’s a person who has dark and light haired people in their family, someone who’s family is very genetically diverse, their genome isn’t as “stable”. They’ll be a more healthy person with all likelihood. Which is also why cross-bred dogs are generally healthier than breeds with stable genomes.

      However with cannabis, we’ve managed something like what with have with dogs; an extremely varied set of strains (or breeds) which are still mostly very stable, and only a minority of which are actually overbred and have problems.

      Being able to reveg has no bearing on genotype stability, lol.