I’m practicing for my driving licence and I’m going to driving school, just out of curiosity though I’ve looking on YouTube how to start and run a car and I’ve seen at least 3 different methods, I dunno which one is the correct. Things like the order when you release a pedal or when you need to press the clutch keep switching…
Several people here have suggested the gearbox be in 1st gear, while starting. Dunno why.
I always shift to neutral, while starting, for safety (to avoid having the starter lurch), depress the clutch (as a 2nd layer of defense for the same) and still sometimes it happens that I forget both.
As for how to actually start moving: press clutch, put in 1st gear, release any brakes assuming you’re on level ground, slowly release clutch until you feel that the clutch starts engaging. Then hold it there for a moment, to allow the car to get a tiny bit of speed, until finally releasing it completely. If you release clutch too fast, it’ll overload the engine and it’ll stall. If too slowly, it wears the clutch, which is expensive to replace. Older gasoline-fueled cars with low torque at low RPM might need a bit of accelerator (say 2000RPM) to get moving without stalling.