• Cryophilia@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    Just fyi, one of the community rules is “Carnist rhetoric & Anti-vegans are not allowed.” which is why so many top level replies are removed. I (and I assume many others) interpreted this post as “carnists, why do you do this?” but it’s NOT and per community rules we’re not allowed to explain or defend.

    This is a safe place for vegans and we should leave it to them.

    Sorry for imposing, I’ll leave now. Mods, maybe you should pin a post for people like me who wander in here without knowing that rule? Might cut down on the carnist replies.

    • naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      14 days ago

      I cannot speak for any other mod, being newly minted, but this is not a vegans only sub.

      Respectful and contextually appropriate replies are welcome but replies specifically hostile or following standard, trivially disputed, rhetoric will be removed.

      For example I would not remove a reply like “What is it that determines whether or not something or someone is ok to eat in your eyes?” but I would remove “don’t you know grass screams when you cut it. You’re just hypocritical!”

      Basically if you’re posting stuff to own the vegans, explain why vegans are wrong, or saying something against veganism that a trivial search or five minutes considering the opposite position would show as false or grossly distorted your comment will be removed.

      • Adulated_Aspersion@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        I am currently working to make better decisions on what I eat and what products i consume. I’ve already switched over to chemicals and clothing that don’t test on animals or contain animal products. I’ve made changes to the diet, and I have taken “Meatless Mondays” out to only having meat once per month. I still eat eggs (I raise my own chickens), and I still eat honey (beekeeper). I haven’t had cows milk in years, but I really struggle with cheese. I’m getting there.

        You’re right: it is a struggle. Your body gets used to what it knows. And if I can say it this way: I don’t think most carnists consume animal products specifically for the suffering of other animals. They do so because the food tastes the way they expect, the clothes feel the way they expect, and the products work the way they expect. I just don’t think that they think about it.

    • Eevoltic@lemmy.dbzer0.comM
      14 days ago

      Like naeva said comments by nonvegans are allowed. The rule doesn’t explicitly preclude anyone who isn’t vegan from engaging in conversation. What it does not allow is for bad faith comments, strawmen arguments (carnist rhetoric and the like), and those that are hostile to vegans (antivegans) to come here and as the OP would put it “meatsplain”.

      I remove comments that are advocating for animal abuse, carnist propaganda, speciesism, and those made by antivegans.

      Discussions about veganism here are heavily skewed as vegans are outnumbered vastly and it tends to be a sensitive topic due to cognitive dissonance. This makes it so that actual discussion is very hard as it often gets overun by reactionary takes and hostility to empathy.

      Pinning posts has not helped in the past as most people don’t read it or refuse to listen to the message before commenting here.