I like how anime 100% missed this, they had the trials of students attacked and seduced by demons and ghosts and aliens, this part they completely missed.
edit: Or I am an anime snob, either way.
I like how anime 100% missed this, they had the trials of students attacked and seduced by demons and ghosts and aliens, this part they completely missed.
edit: Or I am an anime snob, either way.
Armor is good against light infantry, right up until they get anti-tank weapons, after which it’s a massive coffin/integrated crematorium.
We switched to Strikers and those other stupid things in Iraq for the same reasons, there were rpg-7s everywhere, you just couldn’t stop them, more armor slowed you down and made you a worse target in bad terrain.
The Bradley is death against everything its size, and killed a bunch of T-72s because TOWs don’t lie. Mainly, if you’re worried about RPGs, you can have guys get OUT of the Bradley and chase them with guns.
No, you’re right, we can’t do anything beyond harsh criticism, no, even that’s too far, what if we hurt some of the genocider’s feelings?
They’re sending their kids into a meat grinder because they hope other people’s kids will feel more pain in that same meat grinder.
Fair use by humans.
There is no fair use by computers, otherwise we couldn’t have piracy laws.
It’s the medium transfer that always kills you, this minimizes that by limiting it to 1 medium (concrete) and not doing air-concrete-air.
You can do eq and compensation for 1 medium, 2 media are harder.
Some, not all, hopefully not most.
But Jesus, so many of us suck so hard.
Or alternately, you know, napalm.
God, if she said “Putin had sowed the wind and now Moscow shall reap the whirlwind” that would get all of my votes.
Color revolution = “What do you mean those countries don’t want to be friends of Russia? Woke culture is out of control: you run a few thousand people over with tanks and they take it personally!”
They aren’t but they don’t care.
You can’t comprehend how psychologically broken Russians are, they’ve had centuries of lies with 0 truth, they just learned to accept whatever, because they know the alternative could always be a gunshot (or open window nowadays).
He was trying to justify his lifelong beliefs by going all in.
Otherwise he might have been wrong, which was clearly impossible.
That’s because Deng had humility.
Xi has foreign bank accounts, which is apparently better.
He’s losing thousands a week, sometimes daily.
That’s some pretty steep rent.
Edit: thought about it more, it would be steep for us, but Russians don’t actually value their lives so sending their kids into the meat grinder for troll value sounds about right.
I don’t like that either.
But this hurts us 1000x more.
Though hey, lets restrict all of this bullshit foreign political influence, fine by me!
We should troll him back, tell Ukraine they can fire wherever they want.
It’s just a prank, bro!
Yeah this makes me never want to hear about true crime again.
I’ll stick to my fake crime, thank you very much.
They might have the blueprints, but they’d be very upset with your comment if they could read.
Russians are just congentially stupid, or drunk, at least this didn’t have any actual cost.
The only reason is that you need to have a platform every 5 feet or so.
Nobody is saying you can’t take a drone out, they’re saying you can’t use SAMs from 30 miles away (affordably, I’m not made of money, unless I’m the DoD) so you need a ton more platforms.