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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • invaded by hordes of tribes at the same time.

    Too much treachery. Maybe if they stopped assassinating their rulers and managed their funds better by continuing to properly fund their military and continuing to pay off the tribes they could’ve lasted a bit longer.

    It’s so wild that they survived the Year of the 4 (and 5 and 6) Emperors when you think about it. The entire empire nearly collapses in the third century and what do they do to the man responsible for restoring it? They assassinate him. Or if it’s not the emperor then it’s the head of the military who had been responsible for holding off multiple tribes, negotiating with them and attempting to keep the city of Rome from being ransacked (unsuccessfully). And then you assassinate the emperor responsible and then the new emperor decides to provoke the biggest tribe of them all.

  • Why is Lemmy like this? This is half of what I see whenever I see people criticizing Joey B on here.

    Why can’t people dislike and vote against Trump while also wanting to hold Biden accountable for his words/actions?

    I see such a large majority of people who vote Dem/have blue/left values on here and I seriously doubt posts like these are going to change their minds. People just want to vent their frustrations with what many consider the only option they have.

  • If this was law, and companies had to divulge how there stuff worked and was assembled, as well as sell parts, things would last longer.

    I’m all for it but I think you’re being a bit too optimistic. If we had the right to repair then the prices of repair kits and materials is going to go up most likely. I can think of a few other ways they can make that system obnoxious too.

    It’s like everything else. Yeah, the general systems in place could be greatly improved but ultimately the majority of the issues lie with the people at the top who refuse to let us have good things. No matter what laws are passed they will find a way to profit at any cost. The shareholders behind massive corporations are the first priority because no solution we create will work as efficiently as it can unless they are out of the picture.

  • They could have potentially run DeSantis, he just lacked the party’s backing. While he’s basically a younger, less orangey Trump for the most part, the fact that he’s a lot younger would have probably won a lot of people over. It wouldn’t change the GOP from being the MAGA party or change their current values or the general situation with the election though.

    We should be grateful that Trump is rather incompetent. He’s torn up the GOP as he can’t allow anyone to overtake him in the hierarchy he’s created. His own ego ensures that any competent ideas that could push his agenda forward are thrown out.

  • Honestly, I’m all for privacy and your employer not doing this, but this is a strange situation. If I recall, on another post I saw she essentially made her OF very public as if she wanted someone to find out.

    Again, I support our teachers being paid enough to survive, and employers not invading your privacy and acting on your private life, but in this case she definitely stirred the situation up herself.

    Edit: For anyone confused, let me put it this way. This woman brings up an important issue, but I can’t sympathize with her specifically. She’s making an insane amount money, and she was privileged to be in a position where she could abuse the news/media for even more exposure. There are absolutely teachers out there in her situation who don’t have that advantage, who need both their regular job and their OnlyFans, and they likely lose what little sleep they’re getting in fear of being found out and losing one of their sources of income.

    Further edit: Discussed this with someone else for a bit, and I didn’t think of it, but if this blows up further, conservative parents are going to see this. You are going to have conservative parents up at schools, you’re going to have them in PTAs and other meetings, and they’re going to be demanding more privacy invasion in the form of increased background checks on teachers and other school staff. Schools are already struggling with staffing, and you’re going to potentially have people lose their jobs over it. Yeah, this lady is an asinine grifter for all of this.

  • The comments are quite saddening, and also quite worrying.

    This isn’t to put women’s issues down, but men have problems too. There’s a reason why young men turn to these grifters and get manipulated by them.

    Even above all of that, assuming you don’t agree, it’s a problem. We’re building up generations of uneducated and toxic men led by these role models. We can’t just shrug that off and say it’s not our issue, because at some point it is going to be our issue.

  • Basically this.

    Going green is good, but the reality is it’s out of the control of the average individual. Corporations sold us the blame, made us feel like we could do something so they could pass it off as our responsibility.

    Even if every single low to middle income family took charge and did everything they could at their own inconvenience, the progress would still be far less in comparison to what the wealthy could achieve. Sadly, we barely ever think about this and even modern climate activists like that young Swedish girl have come to perpetuate the lie that the wealthy have sold us.