I stand with Palestine, and the rare spaces our public can spend time and educate themselves. Genocide is depressing. Hurting books makes me sad.
Source: Portland State in midst of expensive, ‘marathon’ race to repair damaged library before fall classes begin
PS: we appreciate the smartass answers as well for much-needed comic relief
I appreciate the spirit, but people who read books are probably the wrong demographic to aim this kind of messaging at.
And vandalizing the libraries is just vandalizing the happy place for the people who already agree with you.
Or, in shorter terms: “Just being an asshole”
This is probably mostly laziness. Organizing a march is hard and requires people organizing skills. Spray painting some books takes only one or two people.
If anything, this just emphasizes how small this group is and how bad they are at organization. It’s simple: get a lot of people who agree with you and march to the capitol. That’s all you need to do but it’s hard.
They might not have been the smartest protesters out there
Can rocks or doornails protest
If so that’s still a maybe
They have their heart in the right place, even if their brains are not
Surely. Almost nobody likes dead kids.
How do we know this isn’t a false flag from the far right to make it seem us against the genocide look bad?
Could be, but I don’t think it really matters honestly. The message is still righteous, the books are still readable, no one was hurt. So it’s whatever.
The right is underfunding libraries across the country (in the US), attacks like this would or do already further stress libraries when they’re already financially vulnerable. This does have a huge impact on this particular library.
Damn, that’s a very elegant way to put it