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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • No, the point they’re avoiding is that the word “war” is pretty obviously being used to make it seem as if these are two equal sides fighting it out. That’s why the media continues to use the word “war” to describe what’s happening, to make it seem like Israel is somehow justified in what they are doing and that the Gazans have some kind of agency here. It’s an attempt to normalize genocide.

    In reality it isn’t a war, it’s a slaughter in a territory where Israel controls everything already and where they are indiscriminately killing civilians, decimating civilian infrastructure (hospitals, schools, bakeries, bulldozing cemetaries etc.) and choking off aid with the deliberate aim of inflicting as much death and suffering on the people of Gaza as possible.

    If I have someone tied up and am pummeling them in the face that’s not a “fight”, just like bombing fish in a barrel is not a 'war". It’s just right wing propaganda-speak and it needs to stop.

  • Yeah, totally, the victims of the holocaust were just civilian casulties on the jewish side, that’s just war, you know? Civilians are gonna be systematically targeted and killed, civilian infrastructure decimated intentionally etc.

    The irony of you saying I’m twisting the definition of war when Israel has total control of Gaza, controls any food, water, electricity has bombed 70% of infrastructure and driven the entire population into a tiny square of land is too much. You can’t actually be serious.

    Gaza is an apartheid state controlled by Israel, there is no functioning state that they’re overthrowing, there is no standing army or opposing military industry, they already 100% control Gaza. If the government blows up an entire block of apartments because a terrorist is hiding there that’s not “war” that’s indiscriminate slaughter.

  • Hamas is not demanding the destruction of the Israel state in these negotiations, no. They don’t have the power to do that whether it’s what they want or not.

    You don’t have to be on the side of Hamas to understand that they’re not the ones holding up a resolution to the genocide in Gaza. They’ve been at the table for all these negotiations and the only demand they have for release of the hostages is withdrawl from Gaza and a permanent cease fire. Israel’s refusal to accept that means they have no intention of stopping the genocide or stopping their pursuit of the total destruction of Hamas after a temporary ceasefire.

    Yes, it’s true that Netanyahu is avoiding a resolution to the genocide in order to stay in power, he’s doing that by making the only terms he will accept in the negotiation to include further annhiliation of the other negotiating party. Which is obviously impossible to accept, thats not a negotiation, Hamas are not going to agree to just off themselves or w/e.