I think it will be better. I think trump will lose. I’ll graduate in December, I just got married, and we’re going to move out of my in-laws house sometime in the spring trading suburbia for a coastal urban city. I’m going to make new friends and have kids and ask them questions which will prepare them to be good and thoughtful citizens and whatever else they choose to become.
At this point you may, and rightly so, assume that mine are rose tinted glasses. However as a hobbiest student of history I’ve come to the conclusion that the world is always on fire. Humanity tends to have a bias towards bad news, and there is plenty of bad news around, but cynicism only incentivizes inaction. If we want to give the world the best chance for happiness in our time, to honor the legacy of those forebears who strove to build the better world of today, then we have to acknowledge the good.
This doesn’t mean ignoring the bad, or giving up on the better, but we have to immerse ourselves in the electrifying notion that civilization has moved over the past 200+ years gradually, with new and terrible acts of inhumanity along the way, toward better lives for the average human. We have a duty to fight for that trend so that we in our old age can scoff at the perceived slights of our progeny as our parents and elders do now. The disconnect between the generations in some ways can stand as a testament to the progress that has been achieved.
They don’t make cardboard like they used to so I’m going to get off my soap box before it sloughs into a pile of microplastics.
Like any kingdom, really depends on the king that rules. Trump will form the Nazi party and start stripping away more balances of power, but Biden will hopefully start restoring the democracy.
When I was a kid, and a teen, I was optimistic. I always felt that things could only get better. Why? Because as humans we all work towards things getting better. So they would. Because how could they not??? Billions of people all working together in unity, for a better tomorrow. What could go wrong???
I did not take one key piece of information into account. The fact that people are ASSHOLES!!!
I was imagining a world where internet speeds get faster and faster. And with new advancements would come new technologies. I imagined a world where you could prick yourself the same way diabetes patients do, dip a strip into your blood, and it would use the internet to tell you all your health issues instantly, and for cheap.
I imagined a world where cars were solar powered, and came with butt massagers.
I imagined a world where nobody smoked cigerettes. Which would lead to a massive decrease in cancer.
I imagined a world where teleportation were possible. Transport yourself from NYC to Sydney in 3 seconds.
I imagined all these crazy things that might be possible if all the top minds were all working like a collective hive to solve the pressing issues.
But I forgot people were assholes. Everything is political. People would rather a good idea didn’t happen if they couldn’t take credit for it…even if they had nothing to do with it.
People would rather large populations starve, and suffer from preventitive diseases if they can’t profit from the solutions.
People would rather willingly go forward with known bad ideas if it meant their enemies suffer with them through the bad times too.
So adult me knows that NO. The future is not bright. It’s not a fear of the unknown. It’s an educated guess of the obvious. The world is shit. It’s always been shit. It’s always going to be shit.
Adult me is sad.
Humans are our own worst enemies. Whether it’s us fucking ourselves, fucking each other, or fucking the planet, it does seem we’re all gonna be fucked sooner or later at the going pace of things… ☹️
Things only get worse now
Eh, pretty much this. Think about the problems we have been facing, and then consider whether there has been any progress toward making them better. Climate change, no. Access to housing and medical care, no. Economic disparity, no. Political polarization and fascist sentiments, no. Extend those lines into the future, and, realistically, things are only getting worse.
I’ve never seen things get better, only worse in a different direction.
Worse, based on trends over the last couple decades.
* shrugs * Depends on what happens during it, I guess. I’m a chronic worrier and anxiety haver, but even I feel that this question is a bit too premature.
For anyone worried about the future, I recently stumbled upon this video which hopefully can put things in perspective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGmdvdXoJ-8
2024 is good for me so far, but I’m going to finish my bachelor’s degree in 2025 and still have no real clue what I want to do after (very likely something that has nothing to do with the degree though). So it’s completely up in the air lol. But hopefully I’ll find something I actually want to do and enjoy.
Unless you are already retired, and often even then, for you personally it has an extremely good chance of getting better, even if only slightly. More life experience often translates into ability to convert new things heading your way into less suckiness. Pro-Tip: lean into that for even better results - get married, or perhaps divorced, ditch Windows if you haven’t already, etc. Don’t let life pass you by - enjoy it!:-)
But the trajectory won’t be as high as it would have been previously for someone a few years ago, and for all of us overall that trajectory will be objectively worse. Especially minorities bc fuck them all, apparently - says the Leopards Surely Won’t Eat My Face Off party. Oh well - anyone who thinks life is supposed to be fair hasn’t been paying attention (especially since the late 70s with the advent of corporations that can shirk legal duties that the rest of us cannot, like they can die and in so doing offer massive payouts to the board members at the expense of the customers, etc.). On the other hand, as the suffering increases comes the possibility of finally waking up and doing something meaningful - apes together strong. In the meantime, refer back to the first paragraph, for now.
The good thing is that we’ve had these types of corporations before in the guilded age and eventually we passed laws to break them up and instilled labor laws, while these protections have atrophied we can build them up again.
Who knows 🤷♂️
Significantly worse. But WWIII won’t start properly until 2029
I’m an optimist, so better!
Depends on November. Vote.
Does it though?
To anyone else reading this: yes
To you: don’t be a contrarian douche
My grocery bill will keep going up. Nobody will fix this.
My bad.
It’ll get worse, or even way worser than worse.
Biden has done a lot of good in his first term, so there’s no real reason to think it’ll get worse in a second term.
That’s the thing, there’s like a 1% chance he actually wins… Democrats, not the DNC, are still pushing Biden to leave with the most recent news stating that he will not only cost us the presidency but the house as well.
Republicans will have full control to make absolutely whatever law they wish with a very friendly SCOTUS picked specifically for their willingness to enact the heritage foundations most vile wishes… The future is insanely bleak in the US. :(
Okay, so what are you proposing exactly?
Just hand it to them?Of course not, I was just commenting on the fact that I seriously doubt there will even be a second term.
No thanks, not wasting my time with lesser of two evils
Congratulations on being part of the problem
Nope, can’t blame me cause I didn’t vote them into office. George Carlin said it best.
i blame you 🤷♂️
Cry about it
We can blame you because voting is part of your duty living in a democracy.
That’s fine, still won’t care
You might care if someone close to you, who was a closeted gay, is ripped out of their home one night and never heard from again? Maybe a family member, with a black spouse, is lynched for daring to marry a white woman? Or, even closer to home, perhaps a tweet or post you made from 2010 suddenly becomes against a decency law and you’re questioned, tortured, and jailed for it?
At what point, exactly, would it behoove you to care? When it’s your neck on the line only?
We could list what-ifs all day, waste of my time to even humor them
Trans enby here.
If you want to avoid those horror stories, then stop whining at people who have lost faith in the Democrats and start doing something to restore it.
George Carlin would have been smart enough to realize the dangers we were facing. I’m not a huge fan of Biden or the DNC but my vote will be a vote against Trump.
Lol, George “They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it” Carlin?
He’d be telling people to quit putting their faith in politicians, not yelling at them to shut up and vote.
That’s how you end up with the bigger evil.
By saying that you’re admitting you’re ok with a Trump dictatorship. Fuck off.
Oh no,anyways
To anyone that genuinely doesn’t like either party, I think that you can still vote for a third party in the US? The system is rigged against them, but any little helps.
Or just run your ballot to show dissatisfaction in the status quo and maybe give the counters a good laugh.
You screw the Canadians, Mexicans, Ukrainians, and a bunch of normal countries around the world, not to mention some other friends across the pond.
Protest voting is exactly what Trump is hoping people will do because he knows his constuency is too small if people turn out to vote in greater numbers.
Oh yeah, voting for the “lesser evil” is what people should do. But if you’ve already decided to vote for neither anyway, you may as well protest vote for the benefit of whatever world exists next election.
I say this with a 100% genuine and serious tone: this is a truly, truly stupid take.
I really, earnestly, sincerely mean it. Vastly stupid take.
Why should politicans do good things and care about you if you don’t vote?
Why should you care about politicians and vote when they don’t do good things?
It goes both ways.
Then you abide the greater evil. The choice of not taking a side is still itself a choice. If you have friends, family, colleagues that would be effected by the outcome of the election, and you decide to not participate, you are doing them a disservice.
It will be better. Trust.
I hope you are right. I don’t agree though.
Expect the best, prepare for the worst.