I loved a cafe with super comfy couches and chill ambiance (few years). Would love to have a similar haunt someday again but I don’t believe I will find it
This is my favourite place within walking distance of home. Whenever I’m in there it’s great food and great companionship.
My college has a teacher’s room. I’m very proud that I get to visit that room regularly now. (I became a teacher at the college I studied at)
The fern room at the Como Zoo Conservatory in St. Paul, Minnesota. Just brief walkthrough a few times but I wish I could live there.
IKEA’s children section thing
Radio City Music Hall. Art deco exaltation.
Art room in school for 2 hours. Because art!
A hot springs open room in a Japanese Ryokan near Kyoto, with a very wide barrel that I would lay with my back turned into a small hot water waterfall.
My room. When I’m alone.
I would hang around in a specific and lesser-known classroom in college. The professor gave a few students permission to get it unlocked by administration when we wanted to hang out in there. We’d mostly go there for naps and to watch movies.
I don’t think I have one favorite but:
Tampa Theater is probably the most beautiful space I’ve been in.
The place we had our wedding reception was a very lovely room too. Windows all round and polished wood floors, owned by the city recreation department so not even expensive as a venue.
And so many times I wake up in our bedroom and remark on how luxurious it feels, I love that room too. High ceiling, big windows and a glass door to the back porch!
I always loved being in the indoor-jungle-bird-sanctuary type of buildings in zoos and such. I know now that zoos are sus but when I was younger there wasnt anything quite like those rooms (if that counts as a room anyway)
The room with the hammock in the Cuddle Me environment on VRChat. I can go there whenever I want and stay however long I want. 😋
I feel like I couldn’t live without my bathroom. I probably could, but it’dn’t be great.
That’s a surprisingly difficult question. Considering all the rooms we’ve all been in throughout our lives. Think I just spent an hour thinking about all the rooms I’ve been in. I’m sure I’ve forgotten some great ones.
If I had to choose, my favorite room isn’t a specific room, but more of a concept. It was a hotel room with a partner back in the day. We worked together and had long commutes in opposite directions, so we’d snag a room once a week and have a 2-person party.
Honorable mention is maybe old cluttered computer stores from the 90s.
Sistine Chapel was alright, but really our spare room growing up. Old toys, a bunch of games’ consoles, TRS80 Color Computer, a janky old 20" CRT, and a raggedy old couch. Many of my fondest childhood memories happened there.
The Sistine Chapel is a pretty room, not a comfortable room. It feels like a place to look up in awe and then leave.