As bullshit as “you can’t feel yourself sweat in the pool”
I cannot feel myself sweat in a pool
OP… Have you ever actually taken a shower? Because this is not true at all.
This is Lemmy
I’m surprised how many people feel they can differentiate steam moisture and sweat on their skin.
The process of sweating is one you can feel, beyond just the sensation of moisture. I’m more surprised that there are people who can’t feel the difference.
Also, sweat has a much different consistency than water.
I’m a warm, sweaty person. Maybe I sweat too often to notice it’s happening. I do great in winter though and don’t complain about 90F+ days under 20% humidity. Sadly, I live where summers are 90/90
TIL a lot of people can’t feel themselves sweat if they’re in the shower.
Maybe they don’t take hot enough showers? I don’t always sweat, but for sure I’ve noticed more from taking hot baths
It’s not about sweating. It’s about feeling oneself sweating.
Yeah I don’t really feel the difference either. Intriguing. Whether I’m wet from the shower or from sweat, it feels about the same to me. It’s only after it’s drying that there’s an obvious difference to me
That was my take that prompted the post, but now a little logic is kicking in. Is my skin actually cold enough to condensate steam? I do not know
Yes I can.
I met a researcher that was measuring swimmer sweat. To do it he had to patch part of their body with a waterproof detector. Spoiler alert, they do!
This is the science I live for.
Sweat is basically water so sweating in a shower would be useless. I don’t even think it’s possible tbh. Once you get above a certain temperature you’re just burning yourself.
It is absolutely possible to sweat in water.
Sweat is salty water, so it’s different. It’s released more when your body is hot, not because it’s dry. You probably aren’t sweating in an air conditioned room and showers are typically hotter than room temperature, probably hot enough to make you sweat. I’m not sure why you think your sweat would turn off just because you’re wet. If that was the case, you wouldn’t have pooled sweat pouring off you on humid days
I was thinking more along the lines of the water from the shower already acting as sweat by absorbing the heat. Which would make sweating useless. I dont feel like I’ve run into a situation which like this before, but based on people’s comments, I may be wrong here.
Physically speaking the sweat isn’t going to cool you down if you’re already covered in shower water, but you’d definitely still be sweating.
It’s useless, yes, but your body didn’t evolve to account for pouring a bunch of heated water over yourself
Sorry, maybe useless is the wrong word here. I meant your body wouldn’t heat up enough to trigger sweating. If you’re under running water that’s more or less covering your entire body and it’s all helping you cool down, how are you getting so hot that you sweat?
When the water’s temperature is higher than the temperature of your body, the heat is being transferred into your body.
Heat flows from higher to lower temperature.
Hot weather? Hot water?
Because we are imperfect animals with imperfect survival mechanisms, and sometimes water is actually hot enough to heat your body above what it considers to be its threshold for thermostatic equillibrium.
Problem: Body Temp Too Hot.
Solution: Emit Salt Water Tears from basically all of your skin so that the heat can transfer into Salty Tears and then evaporate. Works very well in low humidity situations.
But also problem: Humidity and temperature in ambient environment is so high that evaporation either does not work at all or is ineffective at dissipating internal body temp to the outside environment.
Same Solution: Keep sweating even though it doesn’t work, enjoy heat exhaustion/stroke.
This is the whole problem of a ‘wet bulb’ temperature causing mass heat exhaustion, stroke or death: If the humidity and temperature are high enough, long enough, its literally impossible for a human body to naturally cool down.
I know about the risks of high humidity. Does the same risk apply when it’s running water that’s continually changing? How hot does it have to be where you’re actually sweating while standing underneath a shower.
Yes, whether or not you are immersed in still, motionless water, being showered by a … shower, or rainfall, or hose, being swept along by a river or undertow, or covered in snow…
The primary thing that triggers a human response to sweat is just your internal body temperature.
It doesn’t matter how or what is transmitting heat to you, so long as your body is generally above a certain temperature threshold, you will sweat. Go below a certain general threshold and you will begin to shiver.
Exactly what those temperature thresholds are vary from person to person, based on your genetics, the climate you are used to living in, what kind of fitness level you have, whether or not you are currently sick and fighting off an infection… etc.
Generally speaking, I am seeing that humans begin to sweat when their immediate surroundings are 32C or about 90F, but again, different kinds of people used to different environments will have somewhat different thresholds.
So, perhaps thats a rough approximation of how hot the water of shower or bathtub would have to be for a roughly average person to begin sweating while bathing.
Sweat has electrolytes.
I sweat Brawndo?!?
Plants crave me. Fish fear me.
spend time in a sauna. you can tell.
That’s a humid steamy environment, not a small waterfall
OP just revealed to us that they have never taken a hot shower in their whole life.
Oh buddy you absolutely can tell
I’ve had showers where I feel like I’m out watering the shower