Now that’s quality showerthinking
This is what it’s all about right here.
If you see someone on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, that counts as only three days in a row, since Monday is on another row. If you see somebody on four consecutive Mondays, that would be four days in a column.
What if the Mondays span different months?
Like 8/19, 8/26, 9/2, 9/9?
Now the Mondays are on another page or they’re a swipe to the right
Bonus!! Love this concept:
Some context:
Looking at my life calendar every day for a few months really kicked my life into gear.
My advice is just open it up and look at it once per day. You don’t have to do anything else. Make sure it’s one where the current week is marked.
You had it on your phone?
Edit: oh excellent
That’s great!
Side note - wonder why it hijacks the share feature and copies adlinkbypass dot com to clipboard - almost like they own both sites and made a mistake.
After her stint on Wheel, Vanna White went into operations consulting
The bonus is absolutely terrifying
If you can, hope you make today a great day 🌈
You got me there!
First post here that kind of fucked me up for a moment.
So whats first day of the year 4 years in a row?
In a three dimensional calendar that could work, 4 days deep ?
I absolutely love this.
this hit me like a mental flashbang. your wisdom is beyond all of us
Yes, and if we’re playing my connect 4 rules, you can also aim for a Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday diagonal.
You can also go 3D. January 8, February 5, March 4, April 8 would be 4 in a stack.
thank goodness i can see time in 3d now. this wont end badly.
Seeing time in 3D, mayhaps like a Time Cube?
Holy shit, what an opener, and then the second paragraph is the perfect punchline. I think the wiki editors knew exactly what they were doing.
huh? please elaborate. The opening paragraph of the time cube article appears normal
That’s the third dimension of time. You playing 6D chess over here
If you include multiple years, you can add one more dimension.
What if we add a 4th dimension with years?
Sure. That would be 4 days in a… well stack is already taken, so what do we call that?
Maybe a box, or a jumbo stack
Four days in a box. It’s settled then.
Are you perchance Bobby Tables?
I see where this question is leading, and I don’t think I like the implications
… Where is it leading?
Are you dating a spreadsheet?
It’s really more of a DataFrame I’ve mismanaged. Which might be why I’m struggling to handle my relationships.
Maybe it’s time to upgrade to a relational database.
I don’t think I’m ready for that. In fact, I think I’m just going back to individual delimited text files to store every record separately using a custom encoding I made up.
I’ll add arbitrary folders to split them up based on inconsistent logic and never make backups.
Did you know you can also store your data on random pieces of paper of various sizes and shapes, and pile them on the kitchen table? You also get bonus points, if you write/draw the data using colorful crayons! I call it the CLUTTER format which stands for: Chaotic Loosely Unstructured Tangled Tornado Explosion Records. It’s a new data storage method, and I’m pretty sure it will catch on.
They seem to excel at it.
He’s got all access to that one
Gotta remain positive and see the glass half full, or January 2nd depending on the cell format.
She’s so perfect. Literally not a single flaw. She’s a 1.
Excel would say Oct. 10
If your mind goes to “spreadsheet” instead of “calendar,” that says more about your… proclivities… than it does his!
What days do i see somebody to make it dickbutt?
Good bye
Well you’re not seeing them periodically. That would require them being on the same row.
Maybe 4 weeks in a row?
Get your ducks in a column.