My sister got a Bluetooth headset and it reminded me that i cant use those because my ears heat up in less than 10 seconds after putting them on, in fact as i am typing this my ears are kinda of uncomfortably hot. Dust also cause my ears to heat, it usually the cause but it can also happen randomly as well as when i leave the PC monitor running when i sleep(same room).
there is some other stuff i thought to mention but i think it would be better for a post after discovering your body(e.g my cousin though all ppl can only see through one eye until recently because he himself can only see through one eye and that’s how he found out he has only one functioning eye)
Also feel free to talk about NSFW stuff and is this post hard to read(sentence structure wise)? Cause i never know if ppl have hard time reading my post, and at the moment i find it hard to read myself
I noticed that for some reason, when I pee I feel the tip of my toes getting hotter
I have no idea what causes it
Stop peeing on your toes
thanks! so that’s what causes it
Not myself, but my wife. We live in the country side with two cats, and they have a cat flap, 24/7 access. My wife can smell a dead mouse nearly from the second it’s dead. She complained last week about it smelling like death in our hallway, and we couldn’t find the source. It took two days for me to smell it, and then it was gone a few days later. We think it died in the ceiling, so couldn’t do much about it. But her smell for death is crazy!
Synesthesia. I can see sound. Really neat, actually.
Not so neat is my aparent genetic resistance to pain meds and anesthetics. Caused some “fun” in a hospital stay
I sometimes feel the same thing at different spots of my body.
Like if someone pinches the skin on my back I could feel the pain of the pinch on my shoulder as well.
I can pop my clavical by pushing my shoulder toward my back with my opposite hand.
I can inhale through my ass to fart on command.
My thumbs can bend backwards without assistance from the other hand.
I can inhale smoke from a cigarette or pipe or something, and blow it out of my ears (it hurts though; I don’t like doing it).
I can kinda wiggle my ears.
I can put my own dick in my own butt, but just the tip.
I can tell when there are electronics turned on around me even if they aren’t intended to make noise, because they all seem to give off this kind of almost imperceptible high pitch whine. Not enough to be bothersome, but just enough to know something probably has current running through it.
I have hypermobility, but a mild form that just lets me bend my fingers back without any of the major problems associated with it.
My hands and feet are slightly adhesive when they’re any wetter than bone dry, so you can hear a faint peeling sound when I walk barefoot in the house, even a little bit on short carpet. Think peeling scotch tape and reduce it by 50%.
I can also control the muscles responsible for equalizing the pressure in my ears, and that allows me to put them under a slight vacuum to slightly dampen loud noises.
I also have long toes. Not to the extent of a chimp, but I have successfully signed my name with them before (though even lower quality than signing with my left hand).
I also cannot cry from cutting onions. This sounds awesome until you’re cutting 3 bags of onions in one go and you learn that the tears dilute the sulfuric acid that forms. That was a painful evening.
I can pop my ankles almost non stop since around 2 years ago for some reason (no pain or anything), lol
When I have to shit really bad I can feel a pain in my forearm. Not like a painful pain but more like a tingling sensation in only my left forearm.
im not kidding when i drink milk, my stool ends up with blood. I thought I was lactose intolerant but I do need to check.
So far with lactose free milk im okay! so i can still eat cereal :)
Lactose intolerance should just cause indigestion, not bloody stool. Definitely check with your doctor.
If I leave my stomach empty for too long, I can feel (and hear!) gas bubbles (?) coming up in my throat lining.
I can fold my ears in on themselves and they will stay that way until I smile.
Basically my ears are just super soft because I was always playing with them as a kid so the cartridge never really hardened up like it did for most other people.
As I have gotten older and played with my ears less they don’t stay folded as long but I can still do it.
I can make the Vulcan “live long and prosper” sign, but only with my left hand.
I can pop my neck at will thanks to a childhood judo injury. Thanks sensei!
I also have ridiculously sensitive hearing where I constantly pick up background noise, like a radio with its gain set too high. It’s hard to hear people talk over the noise of a common house fan in the room.
I can bend my toes back and make some touch the top of my feet.
I have weirdly thick skin on and especially under my feet, so I can walk barefoot on ice and snow and not feel cold.