He makes me ashamed to be Canadian.
Got sick of Reddit. Unchained and found myself here. Looking forward to reading a lot. ☕👽
He makes me ashamed to be Canadian.
The victors always get to paint the picture that is history. I was pretty shocked learning things about that war (and period of time, in general) that were incredibly important but somehow eluded being taught to me in school.
Not ready to jump onboard the conspiracy train but it’s interesting nonetheless.
I’m on it daily. A ton of hours between watching videos and enjoying the music catalogue. It’s definitely the only reason I don’t mind paying premium. No complaints.
Oh my god… 0_0
Nomnomnom! That looks good. 😍
Hell yeah. Let’s keep going, boys!
Thank you so much 🤙
Aye, I didn’t mean to sound cross on my response to your post. Thanks for clarifying and I apologize for being, at the very least, short with the response I gave you. I appreciate it and yes, I’m definitely stabilized with housing now. 🤟
Yeah, the lobbyists have power in and against both major parties. There’s nothing wrong with being critical thinking oriented… but that’s exactly what’s being suppressed by that movement. I hope ppl start realising it isn’t about what they’re being fed to believe pertaining to Israeli policy.
I’m not addicted to anything nor was I.
Seeing my first overdose and subsequent passing. I was 3 days into being homeless. It sadly got easier seeing it happen more and more often. At the time I knew it wasn’t something good, obviously, but I didn’t really react until much later. Out of all the horrible times I’ve ever gone through… that image of what a human body does as it’s dying… @#£&. It’s not good.
This is a ridiculous post. And a terrible one, actually. No, you aren’t clever.
If they don’t have an enemy to point out and rail against… they’d start eating each other. It’s messed up.
So what’s the deal? The AG must have had a direct line to god almighty. Yeah. It must be that. Holy hell… if this lunatic isn’t immediately fired from the post then what in the actual @#£& is this system.
Good for you.
The guy is a cancer. How anyone could actually listen and nod along is beyond me.
Yes, I was shadow banned. Zero communication from the standard ways of reporting it. Good riddance. The place is a cesspool.
It seemed weird from the get go. Nothing made sense.
Yeah, it’s because he was a man and not a horrible human. Gotcha.