Back in the day I was a soldier who could hit a target pretty well. But I’m 50 now and my back barely works for standing up, let alone fighting.
I’m going to be a meat sandbag for people to fight behind.
My too, brother. But I can still hit those targets, and I have rifles better suited for sniping, now, and better for getting through body armor. As long as I take out more than once of them before they get me, it’s a win.
Load the rounds and haul the hurt. Everyone deserves to be useful.
Watch it unfold on TV News, I expect. And then think about it less and less as it begins just another fucked-up thing happening in the world.
We have a bug out spot in a very remote area near the border. It’s where we plan on retiring anyway. Stay the hell out of the way of the war I suppose.
Hunker down and see if the neighbors attack. It’s 50/50 around here. I don’t think my neighbors will attack me but who knows! I’ve got enough guns and ammo to defend myself if it’s not a super heavy attack. Idk, in a civil war, does everyone just start fighting? I’d probably be more careful going to the store…
I’d probably be more careful going to the store…
Robert Evans did a podcast on what it might look like to have a civil war happening here. If I remember correctly it wasn’t so much that neighbors would randomly attack each other, but the travel was definitely different with lots of checkpoints and stuff like that.
“It Could Happen Here” I think it was called.
Third. The war of independence was a civil war too.
I’d probably get taken out pretty quickly tbh
Starve? Die from lack of medicine/doctors? Get killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
So like, every day that ends in “y” in the US?
Quite literally move to Canada, I’m a dual citizen.
Hope everyone continues to forget New Mexico is part of the US and leave us alone.
Mexico? I they built a wall to keep the gun nut Americans out…
Hopefully not fuck things up for my comrades
Hope it’s like the first one and nothing happens in California.
Bad news for you: California is the focal point of many of their current conflicts.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world. Let’s be real, Republicans are just seething that a place with liberal political policy is so successful. The closest they’ve got is Texas which is propped up by the very liberal cities and honestly will eventually turn blue with the current population trends
Probably get shot by some Y’all Qaeda cosplayer for having a mixed race spouse. Whether this happens before or after my brother gets taken out for being gay is up for debate. I hope my sister is spared because her meathead baby daddy is a right wing useful idiot, but she’s an unmarried bisexual mother and that doesn’t pass the purity test, no sir.
I kinda feel bad for my mom since she was largely apolitical until a black man had the audacity to get elected president, but there’s nothing I can do to stop the parade of leopards once they go face-hunting. Doubly so if I’m dead.
Not visit the USA.
I have been in this habit all my life and will continue to do so :)
I saw a clip years ago of a car or bike backfiring. People were panicing like it was gun fire. Even though NYC and The Grand Canyon look amazing, I would hate to visit an me on edge whether a shooting will occur or not.
I looked up shooting stats last year, specifically I compared USA shootings and deaths to Canada. It’s an amazing difference even after adjusting for the population difference. What I found odd when Trump got shot was the crowd behind him didn’t dive for cover, some of the fools stood up and looked around.
I’m gonna visit this guys house…for like the next 60 years.
Gotta find me first. :-)
Playing hard to get is just going to encourage the crazies.
By the time the crazies find me I’ll be running low on food. I’ve heard people taste like chicken.
There’s a reason it’s called Long Pork, actually…
Worry, mostly (as a US citizen living overseas). I doubt my family would want to come over, and I doubt Japan would even issue visas for them to do so (on most SoRs, you can only bring over dependent family who are financially and/or medically dependent upon you. None of my family pass this test).
It really would depend upon what kind of conflict it became. If it involved the armed forces even currently overseas (though I doubt it), presumably, a number of nations would do whatever the hell they felt like if they felt emboldened enough by a preoccupied US. This would be checked in Europe, but I’m less sure about Asia. Then again I’m just a normal dude.
Go hang out with my well armed friend on a boat somewhere in the Caribbean.